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Реферат The American family: Past and Present

The American family: Past and Present


The last decades of the XX century are marked by the unprecedented growth of interest in the study of family and marriage institutions. America «s family values ??are very important to their citizens. For many years the American family and its values ??have been one of the top priorities of the USA. The family is even an essential part of the «American Dream» that all the world is so fond of. The basic idea of ??success in America is measured by how well man or woman can provide for their family.what does the government and the society with family values? It determines these values ??and sets a standard for the whole of America »s people. Family values ??are of the highest importance to the American citizen.values ??are basically the core of not only American but even Belorussian way of living. They have been important since, and even before, the very beginning of our civilization, and certainly since the founding of the United States of America. Many scientists suggest that even the primitive caveman was very loyal and respectful to his family. People of our time have followed these beginnings of the ideas of family values ??up until the present day.however people are more separated in their lives but they all share similar values ??and views on the family. Even America itself with it s «melting pot» functions like one family. Civilization, over time, has brought about values ??which have become essential to all. Family values ??have brought considerable amounts of happiness to any group of people of any stage of history. Without love and family we would probably be in worldwide chaos. And without family there even wouldn t be world to live. People would only regard each other as just soulless beings, there would be no friends, lovers, or married people anywhere without family values.people desire family values, such as love, care, intimacy, acceptance, commitment, and shared responsibility. This is why people from all religious, political, and social groups are interested in making families.life is very meaningful. For the greater common good a society must have adequate family values ??to prevent chaos. America seems to be gradually losing these very important values ??which are of immeasurable cost. This loss is due to a reduction of morals by society and a brainwashed acceptance of what is clearly wrong.to do so may result in an incalculable loss such as the destruction of a society that Americans have strived so long to build. This is one of the primary reasons or the fall of the Roman Empire. The loss of society's values ??gradually weakened and disassociated them and very soon they were overran by a weaker power.is the institute that holds not only American but even our society together. We have had them since the earliest society on our Earth. They have provided a clear outline for religious, social, and moral values ??throughout history. They have formed a basis for our governments and cultures. It is of the utmost importance that these values ??are preserved for the sake of society and the common good of all people.the second half of the 20th century, American families underwent significant changes in composition and lifestyle. These cha...

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