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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Схиляння в часі

Реферат Схиляння в часі

не чув. 3. Коли я добрався до станції, вже темніло. 4. Ми викликали лікаря, коли зрозуміли, що її стан погіршується. 5. Коли ви бачили її востаннє? ? Я не пам'ятаю точно, але знаю, що це було в минулому році. 6. Вчора в цей час ми були ще в поїзді і їхали по Україні. 7. Коли він запалив світло, він побачив, що хтось спав на ліжку. 8. Коли поїзд прибув, ми всі стояли на платформі. 9. Я снідав в маленькому кафе на станції, коли я побачив його у вікні. Він стояв з квітами і чекав когось.

1. Our train was going very fast, I did not have time to read the names of the stations that we passed. 2. When the train started, he shouted to me something, but I heard nothing. 3. When I got to the station, it was getting dark. 4. We called the doctor, when we realized that her condition was getting worse. 5. When did you see her last? - I do not remember exactly, but I know that was past year. 6. Yesterday at this time we were still on the train and went to Ukraine. 7. When he turned on the light, he saw that someone was sleeping on the bed. 8. When the train arrived, we were all standing on the platform. 9. I was having breakfast in a small cafe at the station when I saw him in the window. He was standing with flowers and waiting for someone. br/>

4. Складіть пропозиції, використовуючи Past Continuous

Itto play tennis in thewhen we arrived.MotherGardenwhen the telegram came.Westill to rainwhen he turned to her.Itto get darkwhen suddenly it beganHeto make coffee in theto rain.SheKitchenwhen the door bell rang.The trainto come into the stationwhen we returned home.to write business letterswhen I looked out of theto smilewindow.

1. It was getting dark when we returned. p align="justify">. Mother was in the kitchen when the telegram came. p align="justify">. We were playing tennis in the garden when suddenly it began to rain. p align="justify">. It was still raining when I looked out of the window. p align="justify">. He was writing business letters when the door bell rang. p align="justify">. She was smiling when he turned to her. p align="justify">. The train was coming to the station when we arrived

. Використовуйте Present Perfect Continuous в наступних пропозиціях

Model 1: He has already written this letter (since morning). has been writing this letter since morning.

1. They have been building the theatre for two years. 2. We have been discussing all these problems for a week. 3. I've been helping her with her work since she came to his office. 4. He has been reading this book all week. 5. She has been teaching them how to do it for years. 6. What has been happening here while I have been away? 7. Has he been readin...

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