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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Homonyms in Modern English

Реферат Homonyms in Modern English

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic ofUniversity of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Ablai Khan

Term paperin Modern English

A.K. (209 group): 050207-Translation Studies: The Essential of the English language Department Scientific Supervisor: Zhaparova AA, MA

Almaty, 2011


I. Introduction.1. The theoretical aspects of the research

1.1 Phonetic coincidence and semantic differences of homonyms

.2 Classification of homonyms

.3 Diachronically approach to homonyms

.4 Synchronically approach in studying homonymy

.5 Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical distinctions of homonyms 2. The interrelations between homonymy and polysemantic words

.1 Comparative typological analysis of linguistic phenomena in English and Russia

.2 Modern methods of investigating homonyms

.3 Practical approach in studying homonyms

.4 Polysemy and Homonymy: Etymological and Semantic Criteria. Conclusion .. Bibliography. br/>


theme of this term paper sounds as following: Homonyms in Modern English. Generally, it can be characterized by the following: actuality of this term paper caused by several important points. It must be said that the appearance of new, homonymic meanings is one of the main trends in development of Modern English, especially in its colloquial layer, which, in its turn at a high degree is supported by development of modern informational technologies and simplification of alive speech. So the theoretical value of this paper can be proved by the following reasons :) Studying of homonyms is one of the developing branches in lexicology nowadays.) Homonyms reflect the general trend of simplification of a language.) Homonymic meanings of words are closely connected with the development of modern informational technologies.) Being a developing branch of linguistics it requires a special attention of teachers to be adequated to their specialization in English.) The investigation of homonyms and their differentiation with polysemantic words is not being still investigated in the sufficient degree and this problem is still waiting for its investigator. This term paper is one another attempt to investigate this problem.this theme has been investigating for a long time, the aim of this term paper is to fully investigate the sphere of homonyms, to define them by their classifications, sources, origins and so on . Because there are lots of homonyms that are sure to make most people stop and proofread their work.based upon the actuality and the aim of the theme we are able to formulate the main tasks of the term paper ...

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