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Реферат Modern English and American literature



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Горішна Л.В. Сучасна англійська та американська література. -Х.: Акад. ВВ МВС України, 2011. - 185с. p align="justify"> Навчальний посібник "Сучасна англійська та американська література" для курсантів та студентів IV курсу гуманітарного факультету за напрямком підготовкі "філологія, переклад". Описання творчого шляху, викладання змісту багатьох творів художньої літератури спріятімуть Глибока розумінню естетичних, моральних и художніх Принципів найбільш відоміх письменників и поетів XX - качану XXI століття країн, мову якіх вівчається. p> Автори: Л.В.Горішна, канд. філол. наук, доцент кафедри фонетики та граматики (Академія внутрішніх військ МВС України) Рецензенти: В.В. Місеньова, канд. філол. наук, доцент кафедри міжмовної підготовкі (Харківський національний університет ім. В.Н.Каразіна), Т.О.Біценко, канд. філол. наук, доцент кафедри філології, перекладу та мовної комунікації (Академія внутрішніх військ МВС України)


PREFACE. MAJOR LITERARY GENRES LITERATURE1. THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE (1901-1939). MODERNISMWoolfJoyceHerbert LawrenceQuestions and Tasks2.THE TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE. NEW PERIOD. PROSE AND DRAMAGalsworthy.S. EliotBernard ShawGeorge WellsSomerset MaughamAldingtonJoseph CroninGreenePercy SnowGoldingMurdochRobert Fowles Questions and Tasks3. ANGRY YOUNG MEN WRITERS. THE GENERATION OF GENERAL DISCONTENTOsborneAmisBraineQuestions and Tasks4. A FEW MORE GLIMPSES OF POST-WAR LITERATUREQuestions and TasksLITERATURE5. AMERICAN LITERATURE OF THE FIRST HALF AND THE MIDDLE OF THE XX-TH CENTURY. NEW WAVESDreiserFrostAndersonScott FitzgeraldFaulknerHemingwayPenn WarrenQuestions and Tasks 6. AMERICAN LITERATURE OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE XX-TH CENTURYSteinbeckAlbert MichenerShawJonesO ConnorUpdikeTylerCrichtonQuestions and Tasks



В«Modern English and American LiteratureВ» is a course for students and cadets studying English and American literature at intermediate or advanced level of English. It is designed to motivate and involve students in effective studying process. The book can serve as a basis for effective literature lessons at which the students might be expected to understand, learn and appreciate the beauties of great English and American writers, the makers of song and story of their age.book presents a survey of the most significant aspects of the literary process in Great Britain and the United States of America, its historical, social and economic background of the XX-th and the beginning of the XXI century.stress has been laid on the life of the various authors, their relationship and their work to the times in which they lived to stimulate class discussions and involve students in effective work on the literary matters.

В«Modern English and American LiteratureВ» consists of seven units. Each unit contains a variety of questions focused on assisting comprehension and guiding students towards their own understanding of the authors and their works.book is designed for the students and cadets to get information about English literature, broaden their outlook, develop a high level of target language competence, enjoy the works of English writes and love literature!


literary genrescomes directly from oral traditions found in numerous cultures of the world. Sometimes there were storytellings or storysinging contests, as in the classical age of Greek letters. These early stories were about figures or events familiar to particular groups. New characters with new characteristics appeared. A work of fiction usually possesses characters, plot, setting, point of view, theme, and, sometimes, symbols. Fiction is a shared experience. The writer introduces the readers into his or her created world. William Faulkner, the American writer and a Nobel Laureate, said that the primary job of any writer is to tell you a story, a story out of human experience - I mean by that, universal, mutual experience , the anguishes and troubles and griefs of the human heart, which is universal, without regard to race or time or condition. He wants to tell you something which has seemed to him so true, so moving, either comic or tragic, tha...

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