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Реферат Liberal and democratic political modes in a modern world

In Greek democracy means "government by the people" (demos - people, cratos - power). A more detailed definition of democracy, which became a classic, was given to US President A. Lincoln in his famous speech hetysburskiy (1863): rule of the people, chosen people and for the people. However, despite evidence of the interpretation of democracy as a democracy, there are several problems that belong to the contents and functioning democracy. These issues raise serious dispute, as reflected in the emergence of various theories of democracy, the emphasis on its various properties: freedom (liberalism), equality (Marxism), people's participation in decision-making (participatory theory or participatory democracy), competition for votes between elites (elite theory). today's world is very often misused word democracy. Most modern games contain in its title the term "democratic", virtually all modern political regimes, even authoritarian, pretend to be democratic. Such freedom in using the term "democracy" and the very diversity of interpretations of its nature makes some reputable scientists to conclude that democracy - a concept that defies definition. Nevertheless, political scientists, and various international organizations use this concept and agreed on criteria that can be attributed or that a democratic regime [2, 211]. main factors of a democratic political regime are:

В· legal and factual guarantee human and civil rights;

В· individual sovereignty;

В· pluralism of social and political life;

В· priority of civil society and rule of law;

В· creation of competitive power through fair elections;

В· legitimacy;

В· Implement the principle of separation of power;

В· existence of a multiparty system and political competition;

В· institutionalization of conflict, the rule of law regulating them;

В· consensus between the main social structures;

В· basic unity of society, common citizens 'interest in maintaining social organization;

В· high professional and moral qualities of a leader [4].

But do not equate democracy with the embodiment of all hopes, of which the person seeks. Democracy not only has advantages, but can become a "tyranny of the majority," degenerate into a dictatorship of Parliament or a parliamentary majority. Strong government...

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