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Реферат The basic sense of democracy



1. What democracy is, main definitions

2. The history of democracy

3. The main principles of democracy

. The advantages and disadvantages of democracy

Conclusionlist of the used literature

of government - the members of a social organization who are in power. The problem that "what is the best form of government?" Was not only the problem in the past but it is still a problem even at the end of the 20 th < span align = "justify"> century. The question again remains that "what is the best form of government?" The government should be based on the three creative principles of absolute justice, kindness and kinship. The law of nature is governing the whole universe according to these three creative principles.government should based on absolute justice, kindness and kinship. Without these creative principles, no government will serve the purpose and it will cause eventually trouble to the people. There should be justice in forming government, electing candidates, and making policies. These principles keep the government in moderate position. Having these principles, neither there will be extreme liberty, as we know that extreme liberty causes social and moral disorders. Nor these principles allow for extreme control of government that causes disastrous problem.principles keep society, government, and economic and other pursuit of happiness in proportion. With kindness, we have an opportunity in the world that is based on the theory of "Social Darwinism." With absolute justice, everyone can have his/her share accordingly. These principles were not introduced in the system of Locke, Hobbes or Rousseau. In order to have a best form of government these principles are essential and are based on the natural law.

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - told Winston Churchill.


a democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote - which is a majority of the population - has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. p align="justify"> I think of democracy as a system of government with four key elements:

. A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.

. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life. p alig...

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