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Реферат Holidays in the United States of America

anksgiving Day, New Year's Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day. When New Year's Day, Independence Day, or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the next day is also a holiday. When one of these holidays falls on a Saturday, the previous day is also a holiday. Federal government offices, including the post office, are always closed on all federal holidays. Schools and businesses close on major holidays like Independence Day and Christmas Day but may not always be closed, for example, on Presidents 'Day or Veterans' Day. p align="justify"> Critics of the proliferation of holidays point an accusing finger at greeting card manufacturers and other entrepreneurs. The critics say that "Holiday X" is simply promoted to get people to buy their wares. "Secretary's Day", or "Grandparents Day" might fall into this category. , No effort has been made to be comprehensive in treating all holidays that Americans would possibly celebrate. Only "major" holidays, recognized if not celebrated by Americans in general, have been included here. Each unit is introduced by a reading the passage about the background of the American holiday or celebration. When relevant, a speech, song, or poem pertaining to the holiday follows. There might be a special feature about the holiday, such as regional or religious factors which make the celebration different. br/>

Other Widely Celebrated Observances, that usually don't affect work schedules

GroundhogDayFebruary, 2Lincoln'sBirthdayFebruary, 12Valentine'sDayFebruary, 14Washington'sBirthdayFebruary, 22St. Patrick'sDayMarch, 17AprilFools'sDayApril, 1Earth DayApril, 22 (since 1970) Administrative Assistants 'DayWednesday of the last full week of April (that is, the Wednesday before the last Saturday in April) since 1955Arbour Daythe last Friday in April (since 1872 ) Mothers 'Daysecond Sunday in MayFathers' Daythird Sunday in JuneParents 'Dayfourth Sunday in JulyGrandparents' DaySunday after Labor DayUnitedNationsDayOctober, 24HalloweenOctober, 31

2.New Year s Day

The beginning of the New Year has been welcomed on different dates throughout history. Great Britain and its colonies in America adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, in which January 1st was restored as New Year's Day. Ways of celebrating differ as well, according to customs and religions of the world. People in Moslem societies, for example, celebrate the New Year by wearing new clothes. Southeast Asians release birds and turtles to assure themselves good luck in the twelve months ahead. Jewish people consider the day holy, and hold a religious ceremony at a meal with special foods. Hindus of India leave shrines next to their beds, so they can see beautiful objects at the start of the New Year. Japanese prepare rice cakes at a social event the week be...

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