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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Переклад тексту

Реферат Переклад тексту

Міністерство освіти Республіки Білорусь

Установа освіти В«Мінський державний лінгвістичний університетВ»

Факультет підвищення кваліфікації та перепідготовки кадрів

Звіт про проходження перекладацької практики

Слухача ФППК: Сівчика Василя В'ячеславовича

Мінськ, 2011


1. Текст оригіналу англійською мовою

. Текст перекладу російською мовою

. Перекладацький коментар

Список літератури

1. Текст оригіналу.

Pharmaceuticals in Drinking-water. Acknowledgements World Health Organization (WHO) wishes to express its appreciation to all those who contributed to the preparation and development of this document through the provision of their time, expertise and experience. WHO thanks the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Public Utilities Board (PUB) Singapore for their financial and technical support in developing this guidance to address an emerging issue for drinking-water. WHO acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Working Group on Pharmaceuticals in Drinking-water, who provided important technical inputs for WHO s consideration in the development of this document. The working group members are:

Dr Joe Cotruvo, Independent Consultant, Joseph Cotruvo and Associates, United States of America (USA)

Dr Mary Couper, formerly Quality Assurance and Safety: Medicines, WHO, Switzerland

Dr David Cunliffe, Department of Health, Environmental Health Service, Australia

Mr John Fawell, Independent Consultant, England

- MsMichГЁle Giddings, Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau, Health Canada, Canada

- Dr Edward Ohanian, USEPA, USA

Professor Choon Nam Ong, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr Hans Sanderson, Danish National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark

Dr Dai Simizaki, National Institute of Public Health, Japan

Professor GiampaoloVelo, University of Verona, Italyappreciation is extended to Mr John Fawell, independent consultant, England, who provided valuable time and technical expertise in the development of this document. Appreciation also goes to Dr Emma Goslan, Cranfield University, England, who contributed technical inputs to the chapter on the efficacy of removal of pharmaceuticals during wastewater and drinking-water treatment.development and production of this document were coordinated and managed by staff of the Water , Sanitation, Hygiene and Health (WSH) unit of WHO, including Mr Robert Bos (Coordinator, WSH), Mr Bruce Gordon and Mr Chee-Keong Chew (technical officers). Ms Carolyn Vickers and Dr Angelika Tritscher, WHO Headquarters, provided valuable inputs related to chemical risk assessments.professional editing services of Ms Marla Sheffer of Ottawa, Canada, and the secretarial support provided by Ms Penny Ward are also gratefully acknowledged. p align="justify"> Executive summary

Background the last decade, traces of pharmaceuticals, typically at levels in the nanograms to low micrograms per litre range, have been reported in the water cycle, including surface waters, wastewater, groundwater and, to a lesser extent, drinking-water. Advances in analytical technology have been a key factor driving their increased detection. Their presence in water, even at these very low concentrations, has raised concerns among stakeholders, such as drinking-water regulators, governments, water suppliers and the public, regarding the potential risks to human health from exposure to traces of pharmaceuticals via drinking-water . requests from several Member States for information regarding the potential health impacts of residual concentrations of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, this issue was added to the work plan of the World Health Organization (WHO) Drinking-water Quality Committee in 2005. It was proposed that a working group of experts be assembled to undertake a rapid review of the state of the science of pharmaceuticals in drinking-water and develop guidance and recommendations in areport and fact sheet.WHO working group that comprised experts in to...

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