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Реферат Information Society Concept

rmatization of education.Union (EU) intensively working to develop a concept of information society and programs that implement. Basic principles and guidelines, which will develop the EU, set out in the Green Paper "Living and working in the information society: people first." More features and results of these and other programs are considered in section 3.task of Ukraine is not to lose the chance that it has today, to participate in international projects and implementation of these concepts. Problems in this way very much. Therefore it is important to choose the right priorities and develop an effective strategy of action of joining the information society. As world experience shows, in addition to purely technological problems, which surely is the core, there are a number of economic and organizational and management issues without resolving them is impossible to form a nucleus.and communication technologies (ICTs) affect all spheres of human activity on the person personally. Scientists have noted social and psychological impact of ICT on humans, which manifests itself in changing a person's attitude to work and its content. The basis of the changes occurring, is fundamentally different attitude to information and its role in society. Everything becomes more common toward her as a commodity. Thus, it becomes possible to talk about establishing an information market., History information and technological revolutions and their impact on social relations covered in numerous sources, so no need to do a complete statement. Moreover, given the accelerating pace of life and the changes taking place, such a description instantly obsolete. However, please recall the main features of technological transformation in the processing and transmission of information. The result of these changes was acquiring a new quality of human society, the formation of the new socio-technical paradigm - information society.first revolution associated with the invention of writing, which led to a huge qualitative and quantitative jump. Now you can transfer knowledge from generation to generation.Revolution (mid XVI century). Caused the invention of printing, which radically changed the industrial society, culture, organization of activities.Third Revolution (late XIX century.) Is caused by the invention of electricity, through which came the telegraph, telephone, radio, which allows you to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.Revolution (70-ies of XX century.) Associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of the personal compu В¬ tera. In microprocessors and integrated circuits are created computers, computer networks, data (information communication). This period is characterized by three fundamental innovations: from mechanical and electrical products to electronic information transfer; of components, devices, appliances, machinery; of software-controlled devices and processes.with changing gener...

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