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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Utilization of dairy industry wastes

Реферат Utilization of dairy industry wastes

NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITYof Ecological Safetyof Biotechnology

TASKthe execution of term papertheme of course work: Utilization of dairy industry wastes

student Anna Pokusaieva


Explanatory notes to the term paper from discipline Utilization and recuperation of biotechnological industries wastes : 39 pages, 2 fig. , 6 tables, 45 references.

Object of investigation - technology of wastes utilization on dairy industry plants.

Aim of work - to get acquainted with production technology of dairy industry products, main sources of wastes and ways of its utilization.

Method of investigation - analytic review of literature. words: DAIRY INDASTRY, ORGANIC WASTES, WASTEWATERS, UTILIZATION.

1. Dairy industry (farming)

1.1 Liquid milk products

1.2 Cheese/Whey/Curd

1.3 Butter/Ghee

1.4 Milk powder

1.5 Condensate/Cream/Khoa

2. Description of milk processing

3. Dairy industry products. Emissions

3.1 Solid waste

3.2 Wastewater. Whole milk products

3.3 Cheese/Whey/Curd

3.4 Butter/Ghee

3.5 Milk powder

3.6 Condensed milk/Cream/Khoa

4. Waste generating processes

5. Prevention of waste production

6. Handling of by-products and treatment of waste

.1 Several ways may be followed to reduce the occurrence of waste.

.2 Treatment of Dairy Waste Water

. Main wastewater problems

.1 Most treatment plants follow the following steps

8. Waste production and its consequences

8.1 Data availability and reliability

. Waste reduction

. Economic considerations

. Dairy industry (farming)

Dairy farming is a class of agricultural, or an animal husbandry, enterprise, for long-term production of milk <# "justify"> 2.

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