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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The basic sense of democracy

Реферат The basic sense of democracy

n="justify">. Protection of the human rights of all citizens. p align="justify">. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.is a means for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders accountable for their policies and their conduct in office.people decide who will represent them in parliament , and who will head the government at the national and local levels. They do so by choosing between competing parties in regular, free and fair elections. Government is based on the consent of the governed. In a democracy, the people are sovereign-they are the highest form of political authority. Power flows from the people to the leaders of government, who hold power only temporarily.guard against all-powerful central governments and decentralize government to regional and local levels, understanding that local government must be as accessible and responsive to the people as possible.basic sense of democracy as a form of governance rests on its etymology as rule by the entire people rather than, as Shapiro puts it, by any "aristocrat, monarch, philosopher, bureaucrat, expert, or religious leader." Beyond that, actual definitions of democracy come in all shapes and sizes.example,

В· Democracy is "the substitution of election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few." (GB Shaw).

В· Democracy is "government by the people; that form of government in which the sovereign power resides in the people as a whole, and is exercised either directly by them or by officers elected by them. "(Oxford English Dictionary, 1933).

"Democracy provides opportunities for

) effective participation,

) equality in voting,

) gaining enlightened understanding,

) exercising final control over the agenda, and

5) inclusion of adults. "The political institutions that are necessary to pursue these goals are"

1) elected officials,

) free, fair and frequent elections,

) freedom of expression,

) alternative sources of information,

) associational autonomy, and 6) inclusive citizenship. "(Dahl)

В· "In a democracy important public decisions on questions of law and policy depend, directly or indirectly, upon public opinion formally expressed by citizens of the community, the vast bulk of whom have equal political rights. "(Weale). is" a state where political decisions are taken by and with the consent, or the active participation even, of the majority of the People. Liberalism, though recognizing that in the last resort the legal majority

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