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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective


Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

Course paperby4 th -year studentDoroshbyV.I., of English

viv - 2010

Table of Contents


. Definition of Metaphor as a Figurative and Expressive Means of Language

. Types of Metaphor

. The Mechanism of Metaphor Formation

. The Difference Between Metaphor and Simile

. Metaphor in Literature and Languageof References


The theme of the given course essay is Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

The aim of the investigation is to ascertain the main types of metaphor its formation and usage. tasks of the course paper are the following:

1) to study the origin of metaphor;

) to compare the definition of metaphor represented by different scientists;

) to distinguish the main types of metaphor;

) to highlight the mechanism of metaphor formation;

) to clarify the difference between metaphor and simile;

) to provide examples of metaphor in language and literature.

The material of investigation.

For the material of investigation served essays and works of different scholars, encyclopedias, as well as various dictionaries.following methods of analysis were employed in the given investigation:

) the method of overall selection and analysis of the material;

) comparative analysis.

The structure of the course essay.

In the Introduction the brief summary of the Main Body is presented.given course essay consists of the Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions and List of References.is a stylistic device which is widely used not only by artists but as well by all those who are concerned with making their speech or piece of wrighting more impressive, remarkable and by no means unique. It is neither the invention of modern age nor of the recent centuries. It takes root in the Ancient Greece. As a matter of fact that ancient period it is thought to be the launch of its study, development...

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