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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

and flourishing., Metaphor was a Greek word meaning "transfer". The Greek etymology is from meta, implying "a change" and pherein meaning "to bear, or carry". Thus, the word metaphor itself has a metaphorical meaning in English, "a transfer of meaning from one thing to another". are broad categories of figurative language which are classified as metaphorical. The more common meaning of metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to paint one concept with the attributes normally associated with another.is present in written language back to the earliest surviving writings. From the Epic of Gilgamesh:

My friend, the swift mule, fleet wild ass of the mountain, panther of the wilderness, after we joined together and went up into the mountain, fought the Bull of Heaven and killed it, and overwhelmed Humbaba, who lived in the Cedar Forest, now what is this sleep that has seized you? [1, 6] this example, the friend is compared to a mule, a wild ass, and a panther to indicate that the speaker sees traits from these animals in his friend. before this example, it is arguable that the stylized cave paintings in the Chauvet-pont-d'arc caves in southern France are a form of visual metaphor. Their highly stylized animal shapes evoke hierarchical relationships and human connections that are not part of the literal depiction. first writers to discuss metaphor were the Greek philsophers.

The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor. It is the one thing that cannot be learned from others; it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an eye for resemblance [23, 14]. This might arguably be an exaggeration, there is evidence that fundamental aspects of human intelligence, pattern recognition and inference drive the human use of metaphor.speakers as well as skilled writers have a way of using metaphors for several reasons:

) metaphors can help readers or listeners to better understand something about the object or idea to which the metaphor is being applied;

) metaphors can make speaking and writing more lively and interesting;

) metaphors can communicate a great deal of meaning with just a word or a phrase;

) metaphors, because they imply rather than directly state relationships, can get listeners and readers to think about what they are hearing or reading.

Paragraph 1 deals with the etymology and the notion of metaphor.

Paragraph 2 is about the main types of metaphor.3 provides information about the mechanism of metaphor formation.4 shows the the difference between metaphor and simile.5 deals with metaphor in literature and language.Conclusions the most important results of the overall analysis are presented.

1. Definition of...

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