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Реферат Робота з базою даних на MS SQL Server



the U.S.A. there is not a national system of education; it is mainly the responsibility of the individual states. Although the Federal Government often gives money to schools, it exercises very little control over administration or curriculum. Each of 50 states has its own school system and every state wants young people to go to school. The age limits vary 7 to 16 or 6 to 18. Every child gets minimum 13 years of education regardless to child's race, religion, sex, learning problems, physical handicap or ability to speak English. Education is different in various areas of the USA and there are usually grades 1-12.schools are controlled by an elected local body known as the "school board and by the city and state in which the school is located. There fore there is quite a large difference between schools in different cities and states.majority of all schools are public schools, ie publicly owned schools, financed by state or local governments. These schools are free. (Public schools in the USA never mean private schools as they do in England). Then there are also private schools which charge high tuition fees and this is why usually only children from rich families attend these schools. But nearly all private schools offer scholarships. Only those private schools which are financed by various religious groups or organizations are, however, much cheaper.public schools are mixed schools (coeducational - for boys and girls), some private or church schools remain single-sex.attendance is compulsory in the United States between 6 and 16 and the system of education is divided into pre-school and elementary, secondary and higher education.


all state schools are day-schools which have classes from Mondays to Fridays. The beginning of the school year varies in each state from mid-August to midSeptember and the school year ends in May or June. At some schools the school year is usually divided into three terms - fall, spring and summer - similarly as at British schools, at other schools into quarters. After each term or quarter children get a report card which informs their parents about their results at school, and at the end of the school year they get a transcript. Marks in most US schools are: A (excellent)

B (superior, above average)

C (satisfactory) (passing grade) (completely unsatisfactory).

The school day usually starts between 8 and 9 am and ends at around 3 pm It includes a lunch break and sometimes free hours during the ...

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