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Реферат The impact of unhealthy lifestyles on a child's behavior in school


INTRODUCTIONhypothesisobjectives of this research paper1 - HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

.1 Unhealthy food

.2 Lack of sleep

.3 Passive lifestyle

.4 Related works2 - PRACTICAL PART

.1 Survey

.2 Passive Lifestyle

.3 Lack Of Sleep

.4 Nutrition1 - Questions with answers Yes/No


live among the people and it is very important for us to carry out our purposes. Normal working conditions are very important for our study at school. But sometimes there are behavior disorders in the school environment, which disturb the business conditions in a classroom. These are hyperactivity, anger, anxiety, fatigue, tension, depression, aggression. All these behavior disorders may be caused first of all by lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits and also by passive lifestyle.what can we do to reduce these negative displays of pupil s behavior? Goal of this research paper is to study the effect of unhealthy lifestyle on the pupil s behavior.

The hypothesis

author assumes that the lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits and the lack of physical exercise affect pupil s behavior.

The objectives of this research paper

· to survey the literature on the given theme

· to conduct a survey of classes of L ?? nemere gymnasium

· to suggest how to improve the situation with pupil s behavior in L ?? nemere gymnasium

· to fulfill the goal and justify the hypothesis

· to draw a conclusionmethods used in the research paper are collecting data from various resources, analysis and comparison them with the data derived from conductive surveys, development of recommendations for the pupils.research paper consists of 2 chaptersapter 1 the historical background about unhealthy food, lack of sleep and passive lifestyle is givenapter 2 the analysis of the data derived from existing surveys is given.is a conclusion and appendix.


is the background knowledge to the topic of this research paper. Here is some material of previous researches done on the subject.

1.1 Unhealthy food

If to say about unhealthy, junk food, so it consists of some supplements, such as E102, E124, E110, E122, E129, that are marked like extremely dangerous in the list of harmful food supplements.They destroy not only pupils health, but also pupils mind. As a result, there are a reduced level of attention, hyperactivity, irritability. (ZKH Book, 2008-2012)

1.2 Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep influences the most on childrens behaviour. It is normal for students to sleep less, than 6 hours due to their lifestyle, while normally chidlren have to sleep at their age have to sleep 8-10 hours. They play computer games until midnight or walk with their friends and then, when they have to wake up at 6 oclock in the morning, they just cant do it. Or if they do it, then the fatigue and anger are guaranteed for the whole day. (Melinda Smith, 2013)

1.3 Passive lifestyle

What does it influence on? There is no any doubts, that it reflects on health and then on the capacity of normal living. Children, who lead passive lifestyle are lazier, more passive, sometimes hyperactive and more often have depressions and some more serious and unpleasant problems. (Stibich, 2009)

1.4 Related works

In thirst article (Rain) the authors consider the different effects of sleep deprivation, which helped them to make a list of the main problems that pupils deal with if they have the lack of sleep. They are slowed response time, inattention, reduced short term memory and impaired judgment. Also in Ella Rains article the author found some behavior disorders due to the lack of sleep such as slurred speech, clumsiness, inability to remember names of people and objects and also to bring eyes into focus. The lack of sleep may cause depression, decrease of daily energy level.the article (Stibich, 2009) and article (Chrysohoou, 2011) the author found out which problems a person may face if he has passive lifestyle. And if to say about these problems, they are pretty dangerous and serious. They are overweight, cardiovascular disease, the risk for stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.article (Walters, 2009) helped and made the author the main questions about food and its effect on our emotional state and health clear. And the main idea of ??this article, which can be an an...

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