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Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school



1. Relevance of the theme of course work

2. Classification of games

2.1 Disclosure of the concept of the game

2.2 There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child

2.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language

3. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving



The Adverb Game


At present time the problem of increased psycho-emotional stress on students. Application of game forms of training helps to reduce pressure on the students 'information. During the game, the child unconsciously possessed training material.training opportunities for games has long been known. Many prominent educators rightly drawn attention to the effectiveness of games in the learning process. And this is understandable. We believe that in the game are especially full of unexpected and sometimes a person's ability, especially a child.school the special place occupied by such forms of employment that provide an active part in the lesson, each pupil, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility for the results of the school pupils work.the present method and practice of teaching children in elementary school focuses on the optimal combination of different forms, methods and teaching aids. This allows us to more effectively address training and education objectives of the program

But learning tasks performed in class, often determine the monotony of intellectual activity of students by implementing a training goal - securing knowledge, and skills development. This adversely affects the development of students and the future of learning.recent years, significantly changed the priorities of primary education. Today, his main goal - the development of creative student's personality. Ask the children - В¬ they love stories and games? Sure, all the answer - yes. p align="justify"> english educational game teaching

1. Relevance of the theme of course work

The game - one of the most important means of intellectual and moral education of children. Great importance to the game as an educational tool attached AS Makarenko, "What child is in the game, is that in many ways it will work when she grows up. Therefore, education of the future leader is, above all in the game. "Lessons from the use of games and...

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