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Реферат Business plan of ecological tourism

Business plan of ecological tourism

1. Executive summary

ecological tourism business service

Ecological tourism (ecotourism) in the recent decades is rapidly increasing type of tourism industry as well as popular trend. Ecological tourism is in demand due to the awareness that environmental and cultural heritage is damaged. Moreover, adapting a healthier lifestyle is becoming a trend among conscious society.decided to open ecological tourism agency in Lithuania which would provide sustainable tours within the country. We noticed that there is a gap in the industry, as there is demand for sustainable tourism products, but there is no supplier. Therefore our agency named В«Eco TravelВ» would be the first one who will offer to potential customers sustainable tours within the Lithuania. These tours will consist of ecological activities such as nature, extreme and ethnographical attractions. Travel tours will be unique because we will ensure that our service is high quality, sustainable, personal and comfortable for customers who appreciate natural environment and are conscious of protecting the nature. Our main target group will be Lithuanians as well as we will look forward to attract and meet tourists from foreign countries. Customers will be able to combine and choose our offers and services what would be most suitable for them.mission of В«Eco TravelВ» agency is to inspire customers by providing them the highest quality service and fully meet their needs and expectations. Our agency will be unique because of participate in ecological events where customers will be ensured that we take care of environment and nature. By travelling with us, clients will have possibility to experience an unforgettable and unique vacation, while having a feeling of doing the right thing for saving the environment. В«Eco TravelВ» agency will be located in Klaipeda, Lithuania, because it offers a huge variety of beautiful ecological attractions and it is one of the most visited cities within Lithuania.

В«Eco TravelВ» agency does not have any direct competitors in sustainable tourism field because we are the first travel agency in Lithuania which is providing sustainable tours, however, we will have many indirect competitors. These competitors are travel agencies which are not concentrating on sustainability and provide customers with simple tours within Lithuania and other countries. That is why we have developed a marketing plan to convince the customers to use our service instead of our competitors and ensure customers to know about our existence and the services we fulfil. The establishers of the agency are five college undergraduates. p align="justify"> Mission and Vision

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