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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Обробка металів лещатах

Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

Федеральне Державне бюджетне освітня установа

Вищої професійної освіти

«Магнітогорський Державний Університет»

ФГБОУ ВПО «магу»


За Англійській мові

на тему:


Г. Магнітогорськ

Table of contents

. Introduction.

. State symbolic

. Economy

. Economic districts of country

. Historical and geographical features of development

. Population

. Features of formation of the Canadian nation

. External migrations of the population

. Religion

. Placement and moving

. International relations

. Internal migrations

. Urbanization and rural locality

. Structure of economy

. Industry

. External economic connections

. Internal distinctions

. Customs and traditions of nationalities of Canada

. National holidays

. Literature

Сanada economic population tradition


- the state in North America. Is a part of British commonwealth. North America occupies northern part of the continent and numerous islands adjoining it: Vankuver, Queen Charlotte occupies northern part of the continent. Arctic archipelago, Newfoundland, Cape Breton island, Antikosti and prince Edward. Borders on the USA in the South and the northwest, in the north it is washed by waters of the Arctic Ocean, in the West - waters of the Pacific Ocean and in the East Atlantic Ocean. The area is nine thousand nine hundred seventy six thousand square kilometers. Population thirty and a half million people. The capital - the city of Ottawa. Canada shares on ten provinces which are subdivided into counties and districts, and two territories. Political system of Canada - a parliamentary monarchy. The head of state formally is the English king (queen) of Canada - one of the first dominions of Great Britain. The constitution consists of a large number of laws and the constitutional customs. The basic existing constitutional law - the Act of the British North America was adopted by English parliament in one thousand eight hundred sixty seventh. In a form of a state system Canada - federation. Functions of the head of state are carried out by the governor general appointed by the English king on the advice of the prime minister of Canada. The role of the governor general in political life is insignificant though formally he is chief executive, approves the bills adopted parliament. At the governor general there is a Privy Council (hundred thirty people) into which members of royal family, ministers, chairmen of chambers enter parliament and so on. The...

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