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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

supreme body of legislature - parliament, consists from two chambers. The House of Commons is elected by the population for five years. In total in the senate hundred two members. The government of Canada - an office, consists of the prime minister and ministers - heads of leaders of the ministries (defense, foreign affairs, finance, trade and the industry). Ministers, as a rule - deputies of the House of Commons. The prime minister possesses very large powers, is the Supreme Commander armed forces. The royalty in provinces represent the lieutenant-governors, appointed by the governor general on representation of the government of Canada. In provinces there are legislative assemblies, as a rule, unicameral, chosen by the population no more than for 5 years, the governments of provinces are formed. Local self-government institutions - councils of counties and districts, municipalities are actually subordinated to governing bodies of provinces. The supreme judicial authority - the Supreme Court which nine members are appointed the governor general. The same way forms the Treasury court considering claims for affairs one of the parties in which is the state treasury. The supreme and local judicial authorities are created and in provinces.

. State symbolic

Quebec is widespread on the southern areas of the present Provinces of Ontario the well-known Canadian sugar maple - «acer saccharut» which leaf became a national emblem of Canada. In other territory of the country which gradually extended with accession of new provinces, the sugar maple doesn't grow, except for small Prince Edward Island. Why the sugar maple growing only in southeast Canada became national a symbol? It is connected in a certain degree with unique properties of this beautiful tree - one of the highest broad-leaved trees in the world. It is widespread just where the present French-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian nations and where, to this day, live the two third Canadians arose. In the fall this edge is as though captured by a flame: leaves of a sugar maple, as well as two other its Canadian types - red and silvery, get the improbably bright is red, purple, crimson color. From here red color of a maple leaf in the coat of arms and on a flag of Canada. However it is much more important than esthetic advantages economic value of a sugar maple, especially at the first stages of development of Canada is represented. It provided to Indians and the first French-Canadian settlers also the house, and I peep. This maple gave the most valuable business wood. The maple syrup made in To Canada, it is unique on the nutritious qualities, it is imported the USA, by Germany, France and other West European countries. In 1956 the modern flag the Canada-red leaf of a sugar maple on the white field bordered on the right and at the left with red strips was officially accepted. Having become an emblem on a national flag of the country. The maple leaf is considered now as a symbol not only originality and independence, but also unity of Canada.

. Economy

characteristic of economy. Canada-advanced industrial and agrarian country. Canada takes leading places on production of uranium, zinc ores and asbestos, nickel ores, potash salts. At the same time Canada - the large buyer of cars, the equipment and other finished goods of industrialized countries. The b...

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