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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Сочинения » How to be happy in your family life

Реферат How to be happy in your family life

How to be happy in your family life

Good evening Ladies! Today we speak about relationships between man and woman. I tell you why you have conflicts in your family and give advice how can avoid this conflicts. Men and women are different creatures. They approach things differently and it is the root of some of the problems. Conflicts occur between men and women very often and prohibit mutually fulfilling loving relationships. Men and women cope with stress and problems differently. Women actually differ from men in that they prefer to talk about problems and vent their feelings; men think it's far more efficient to sort things out on their own. While men value power, efficiency, competency and achievement women value love, communication, beauty and relationships. Men experience fulfillment through success and accomplishment but women experience fulfillment through sharing, relating and nurturing. Men are interested in the news, weather and sports, in В«objectВ» and В«thingsВ» rather than people and feelings as for women are interested in romance, shopping and self help-books. We are concerned with living in harmony, community and loving cooperation but men are concerned with outdoor activities, like hunting, fishing and racing cars. Men really take pride in being able to do things and achieve things actually without help, totally on their own, as for women pride themselves in being considerate of the needs and feelings of others. Men fantasize about powerful cars, faster computers, gadgets, gizmos and new technology. But women fantasize about romance and family. I made many examples, which come between the sexes. And now, I give you some advice. The best thing to do is be aware that we're different. Realize that men and women have a different style of approaching things and then learn to put up with it. We must respect and accept differences between us. We can counteract these differences in communication styles, emotional needs, and modes of behavior, promote a greater understanding between individual partners.

Nowadays, fast food attracts people more than homemade food. Fast food is any food that is quick, convenient and usually in expensive. Fast food is more common because people are always busy, and in a hurry, so they head towards fast food restaurants to save their time. Fast food is convenient and people can find it in all places. Fast food is inexpensive because it's usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Most fast food restaurants are generally bad for people's health, because bad quality of ingredients is used. It's true that fast food is usually high in fat, calories, cholesterol. If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time, it can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. On the other hand homemade food has less attraction than fast food. A reason for this is that homemade food needs lots of time until it gets ready. Homemade food is very nourishing and fat, but you must be sure, that this food made with qualitative produce. Homemade food is much healthier than fast food, and therefore, people will enjoy eating their meals without thinking of health problems.

This question is very important for our people. Some people think that life in the country is more enjoyable. Others say that city life can open up plenty of opportunity. It is no doubt that life in the country is less stress, less traffic and less smog. It's main reason for older people. But people can't find a job in the country. It's widely recognized that it's easier to find work in large cities. There is no doubt that there are many facilities for young people in the city: nightlife, music, free time facilities, pubs and clubs, cinemas and the chance to meet other young people more like. If young people decide to leave their homes in the country, then they reckon the social side of things. Some may argue that living in the country side is easier for a certain number of advantages. People don't have to suffer from breathing problems thanks to clean atmosphere, which makes countryside an ideal area in which elderly people can rest and stay away from the hurry of city life. I think that living in a big city is better than living in the countryside. There are more opportunities for continuing education, like going to colleges. People might be thinking about facilities for their families in the future, like being near good schools.

I have always wanted to live in the big city, for example in Barnaul. Everyone always tells me it's not a good place to live because it's dirty and anything can happen to you there. It's as dangerous to live in Barnaul as it's to live in other big city. You have to be sensible, take the normal prec...

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