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Реферат What will be there in my new flat

Every young man wants to live independently. And I'm not an exception. Of course, the time will come, when I will alone in my flat. I wait for this moment and imagine, that my new flat will be at least three roomed. There will be a study, a bedroom, a dinning-room.

Of course, there also will be a kitchen and a bathroom. The dinning-room will be big comfortable room with big table in the centre. There also will be several armchairs, and a big TV set in it. In this room I shall receive guests. I also shall put a piano in the one of corners of

the room and shall start taking piano lessons cause I like this musical instrument very much.

The bedroom will become my favourite one because it is a room of rest where everybody can spend several hours without noise and fuss. There I shall put my PC that helps me very much.

Another room - study will be the place where I shall do all my work. There will be a large table full of papers and several shelves. I am going to gather big collection of books, so they won't stay empty.

That's how I imagine my future flat. I hope that these dreams will become true.

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Дата додавання: 24.01.2014

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