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Реферат "Fight Club" and today's society

«Fight Club» and today s society

fight club book narrator

The book Fight Club illustrates how society has become consumers, where people are being brainwashed with idea that they need to have materialistic goods that they don t really need and also depicts that a solution to this crisis is living in a dilapidated house where one can discard the influences of the outside world and consumerism however this illustration is accurate by generalizing as a whole.one; we are being manipulated by society in to believing that we need things that are unnecessary. The beginning scene of the movie Narrator s character was describing that he has become a slave to the Ikea network. As a representative of society Narrator admits that «We re consumers. We re by-products of a lifestyle obsession. » The IKEA magazine is a perfect example of this.has led him to believe that he needed the highest quality or that type of style furniture.example of how society manipulates the thinking of an individual is after Narrator s apartment blew up and he was looking at his empty refrigerator. The point is that he had unconsciously prioritized having more material possessions such as furniture in his apartment than essential food for himself. There are two scenes in the book that follow the meaning of this quote «I say never be complete, never be perfect. The first scene that correlates with the quote is when Narrator had lost his briefcase at the airport and felt like the world was over. Narrator said that he almost was complete with a respectable wardrobe and he was also naming off his brand name apparel that he lost.second scene that goes with this quote also goes with this quote is at the bar scene with Tyler after his apartment was blown up . Norton was talking about how he felt about buying his last sofa because he was saying that it was the last sofa that he needed to buy because he felt almost complete in his lifestyle where he had everything that one could need. The quotes interpretation is as follows: »Someone who had not been perfect would not be so terrified losing there belongings than a person who was trying to be perfect because would not have lost as much as the person who was complete. The things you own end up owning you. This last quote is very real in our society which is shown greatly at the bar scene conversation. The example that Fight Club illustrates is at the conversation in the bar when Narrator was emphasizing the need of taking extremely good care of all his furniture which is understandable. The message is clear that the media wants us to do what they tell us to do. Look at your own life and decide how big a role society has changed the way you think about beliefs, relationships, and what to buy. Do you always want to be told what to do? Can you do to reject the influence of consumerism in your life? The book fight club offers a solution which is living in a dilapidated house where one can reject all the influences of the outside world and consumerism. In the book Narrator feels that society he has been manipulating him. As a result of his realization he blows up his apartment to signify his rejection of it all. One example that the book shows as a sign of rejection is the conversation with Tyler outside the bar.choice of not going to a hotel for a place to stay represents that he doesn t want t...

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