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Реферат "Fight Club" and today's society

o go back to the same lifestyle where he would have everything pretty much complete. One narration bit in the book illustrates it is possible for one to reject society and not be sad or feel in with drawal. The narration occurs in Narrator s first few months at the ramshackled house when he said at the end of the first month he didn t even miss TV and he didn t mind a warm stale refrigerator. A quotation that is supportive of how Narrator has become more interesting and confident in his character is «It s only after we ve lost everything that we are free to do anything. This quotation applies to Narrator because he had lost everything that was important to him i. e. his briefcase and his apartment. Now with a fresh start over he is able to pick and choose what he feels is appropriate to live a live without being told my society what to do. Lastly as he finally comes to a more realization of how a better person he has become by rejecting society he decides that blowing up the credit card companies at the end will turn society into a better one but before that happens chaos must take place because » On a long enough time line, the survivability rate for everyone drops to zero." By blowing up the credit card companies it will make people go through the same process of what Narrator went through. There were five stages that Narrator character went through. Denial was the first stage of what Narrator went through he because he couldn t believe that the airport lost his briefcase. Then he became angry or at least was upset that the man said that he owned a dildo. He then went through the stage of bargaining. The scene in the bar when he said that it was ok that he lost his briefcase and his apartment since he had insurance and that everything would be covered.next stage was depression because he didn t have a place to stay and when he found out it was a run down house he was going to be staying in. The last stage was acceptance where he made the best out of the situation. As a result of Narrator s own stages of chaos turned him into a better person who feels free from the influencing of society and feels that the general public would benefit as well as he did. If not in a dilapidated house we should all live in live in a third world country for at least 2 years with no running water, no car, no TV, no supermarkets or Mc Donald s and no computer, and no society telling us how to behave and see how differently we change our lives.

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