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Реферат The battle of good and evil in literature of the XIX century


chartism political english literature

Despite the pedants and the precious among the aesthetes, literature is either profoundly moral in its implications, or it is mere trivial entertainment and the secret of its power to express and even dominate whole ages must remain a mystery . values ??of books cannot be understood unless set in a framework of good and evil in life; if our experiences themselves cannot be felt as important, neither can the words which reflect them.our purposes, «good» will be understood as a generic term covering all elements which make for the free growth of personality; «Evil» those which prevent such growth.boundaries of good and evil were once neatly and thoroughly drawn by religious doctrines, and the questioning of such doctrines has been accompanied by deterioration and relativism of standards which, for many, has seemed to make all criticism impossible; the skeptic today echoes Hamlet: «Neither is either good or bad but thinking makes it so». this term-paper, we will compare and contrast the themes of good and evil in different works of Charles Dickens and other authors. Through fighting for what they believe in, these individuals achieved their goals for society to change, for the better.Dickens once wrote, «It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness ... in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only ». Dickens works highly regarded him as a social reformer with the power to influence society. During the Victorian Period, Charles Dickens work played a major role in how the poor class, the criminal underworld, and the industrial revolution were viewed. With the help of Charles Dickens, the poor class was viewed in a different way during the XIX century.more deeply Charles Dickens Great expectations we will be able to see how there can be both good and evil in most people and that even a good person will do evil things when exposed to evil. The setting can tell many characteristics about the character that lives within. Charles Dickens creates settings that are like subtle characters. Though not named, these «characters» have a big impact on the story.object-matter of the research is Charles Dickens novel Great Expectationsbject-matter of the work is the examination of Charles Dickens Great Expectations through the prism of good and evil . aim of the term paper is to show the impact of Chartism, social transformations and political instability on Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations.order to achieve the aim we have to solve the following objectives:

? to emphasize the impact of constant limbo between good and evil on English literature;

? to explore the issues of good and evil and their display through Chartist movement in the works of English authors of the XIX century;

? to retrace Dickens s unique place in social novels and to observe his representations of good and evil in different characters;

? to investigate Dickens s Great Expectations as a sample of e...

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