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Реферат Examples of modern determinations of culture

ary remarks. A culture must not be examined as single, inviolable, not differentiable integrity. Opposite, for heuristic approach it is necessary to divide a culture on a separate area, each of which can be analyzed separately. Description of area includes judgments and flexibility. An area can be in relation to wide, as a cognitive area by comparison to a social area, or very specific, as an area of ​​algebra or nuclear physics. Fundamentally here that everybody can legally investigate the private area of ​​achievement into a culture, to describe select the eventual state is inherent to the adult member of culture, and then to begin to determine different steps and stages on the way of achievement of this eventual state. Such "regional approach" implies that initially a young organism into society has a competence in this area. Such supposition sets much work to the social researchers, and those, who supposes, that a competence is to a great extent the genetically determined process (as Chomsky considered), and those, who supposes that achievement of competence is completely the result of teaching (As behaviorists) process, and those, who prefers approach related to instinctive co-operation (as Piage), and to many psychologists of development ... In addition to this statement about existence and autonomy of different areas of competence, we developing the theory of the cultural understanding, must look at her from four different points of view. First two can be examined as diametrically opposite to one other. From one side it is a culture as unit, including the different areas, beliefs and values. Other extreme point of view is an individual, equipped by his genetic legacy, including different neurological and psychological mechanisms. The third point of view is the system of symbols, being into a culture. Fourth - modus of transmission of the cultural understanding ... I consider a necessity to consider three spheres, which necessarily must be compared in the different corners of the world. It is a 1) physical world, 2) the world, artifact created by a man, 3) the social world. In every culture a man must find funds, in an order to purchase capabilities, enabling to him effectively deal with these three spheres. Moreover, an individual must develop these capabilities both at intuitional and practical level and at the level of explicit cognition. An individual must attain and В«know as well as В«know thatВ» in all these spheres. Certainly, between cultural distinctions in methods which these cultural knowledge are coded, passed and realized makes a main question for philosophers, anthropologists and other social researchers. Cultures considerably differentiate in regard to methods which they determine these three spheres (and making their areas), in the gamut of more or less explicit forms cognitions which embrace every sphere and, that can be it is most important, in values ​​which they have in every culture. p> Examining an individual, as opposition to the culture, we mean biological organism, human creature which since total ignorance about the concrete culture, it must in a flow 10 - 20 years to attain a satisfactory competence, so that effectively to carry out productive work and effectively to co-operate with other individuals, leaning against the genetic legacy. The theory of understanding of culture must take into account that, that is known about the genetic legacy of man: structure of the nervous system, principles of development of brain, action of early and late experience of the neurological and psychological maturing and what role, this experience plays in understanding of culture ... Foremost I will be stopped for intellectual component, which human creatures, as kind, are potentially able to grasp, id est on cognitive potential. I suppose that 7 informatively-judicial systems are at least, which a human creature, as kind, must grasp. It is a 1) Linguistic competence. 2) The Spatial competence. 3) Logic - metamatematics competence. 4) The Musical competence. 5) Corporal-motive competence. 6) Interpersonally competence. 7) Inwardly personality competence ... Creation (or instrument what that was not, body of culture (related to cognition factor of А), passed to the individual together with his individual the competence (factor of B) is determined here by me as a symbolic system. It is the system of elements, sometimes physical as pictures or texts, sometimes non-material - as the outspoken words or unspoken ideas in which cognition can be overcame and passed from one individual to other. As values ​​influence on a conduct and experience it is studied poorly. As an initial point we can suppose that a child is predisposition to perceive them, searches them, and as a result, values ​​appear grasped in experience in an earliest period of life. Id est individuals, objects, locations etc. are for a young organism the understood values ​​... Sy...

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