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Реферат Cultural resume Japan

plit between the legs like pants. Hakama pants originally were an outer garment designed to protect the legs of samurai warriors from brush when they were riding a horse. The hakama today is worn as formal attire for wedding ceremonies, for dances, martial arts and by artists. The pants are made of cotton, rayon, or polyester-blend. The traditional color of the hakama is black, gray or brown with a white pinstripe. Today pants are available in many colors to suit the bride and groom 's taste.Service

In a traditional wedding, a Shinto priest conducts the ceremony which is attended only by immediate family. The traditional Japanese musical accompaniment consists of flutes and is performed by artists called «ga ga ku». The marriage of two people in traditional Japanese culture is not the union between a man and a woman, but the blending of two families. This is particularly evident when the bride and groom exchange vows. The two families face each other, while the bride and groom do not. Instead, the bride and groom stand between the families and face forward, while they make an oath to keep faithful and obedient to one another. A Shinto Japanese wedding may also take place at home in a temporary sanctuary on the «Tokonoma» (alcove) of the home. In addition to regional differences, in a home ceremony, the bride is seated first and a ceremony to «give her away» to the bridegroom is included. Some contemporary couples set up a shrine inside the hotel where the reception will be held.

The bride and groom are attended to by Miko maidens, serving sake in red and white dresses. An older couple, called Nakoudo, is responsible for managing the wedding. They are seated by the couple. The bridal couple, dressed in traditional kimonos, is purified, drinks sake, and the groom reads the words of commitment. The priest reads the wedding contract. Rice wine, called nihonshu or sake is the general Japanese terms for alcohol, which is made of rice and water and is about 20 percent alcohol. The sake, which is also served to the guests, is poured into three special cups of different sizes. The ceremony is called «SanSanKudo,» which means three sets of three sips equals nine. It dates back to the 8th century and is one of Japan 's oldest traditions. Using the smallest of the cups, the groom takes three sips. Then the bride does likewise. They do the same with the medium and large cups. At the end of the sake ceremony, both families drink a cup of sake, which represents the union of the bride and groom and unification of the two families. Drinking the wine is a sign that the marriage vows are sealed. An exchange of wedding rings is a modern practice that is popular today. At the close of the ceremony, symbolic offerings are given to the kami, this offering consists of three small twigs of Sakaki, a sacred tree. This ritual ends the ceremony. Today, many traditional Japanese ceremonies are followed by a western-style reception, but many still include tradition Japanese customs.

Women who attend a traditional Japanese wedding wear kimonos. Young women may wear colorful kimonos with long flowing furisode, or butterfly sleeves. Married women, to distinguish their marital status, will wear a more subdued homongi kimono. Men traditionally wear western-style suits.


After the ceremony, the couple welcomes the guests at a reception, called a «Kekkon Hiroen.» As few as 20 and as many as 200 or more guests may attend, which will include family, friends and business associates. The party begins with the go-betweens with an introduction of the bridegroom, bride and their families 'backgrounds. In keeping with the concept that a marriage is about the joining of families, there is more emphasis in the introduction placed on the family than on the couple.

The attire worn by the bride at the reception is the most colorful aspect of the party. She wears Kanzashi, colorful ornaments, in her hair. The Uchikike gown is worn over the kimono is resplendent with ornamentation and embroidery. When she changes yet again, the bride will don another kimono, different in style from the first. Kimonos because of their intrinsic value and sentimental value are often handed down from generation to generation. When they are no longer wearable, they may be used as futon (bedding) material to keep them in the family.

Guests are seated according to their relationship with the couple. The names of guests and their table assignments are on a reception table at which guests are asked to sign the guest book. Here too, the welcome party collects the monetary gifts.

The full-course meal is served table-side. The festivities during the reception include participation by guests who contribute speeches and songs. Gue...

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