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Реферат Impact of European integration in its member

ly to that nation, and can not represent themselves as independent states because they are tighten to each other. Moreover, EU with its member states concentrated on economical and political matters but not on values ​​and beliefs of its citizens, of course they increase living standards of people by improving the economy but it is related materially but not subjective points, you can say it is not important, however, in fact those items make them feel whether he is British or someone else and Economic Integration might drain them. Europe and Western part have sexual harassment and consumption of alcoholic drinks increase in great number and much of fun that makes young generation lazy and keeps out of consciousness. Unless Europe reverses trend - low birthrates it faces a bleak future of rising domestic discontent and falling global power. In case of rejecting of EURO currency by England, Denmark, and Sweden, these countries do not want to change their official currency, for instance, British people want to see their queen on their home currency because it motivates and makes them to have perception of being British. Also Denmark and Sweden rejected EURO because own currency shows independence and political solidarity.

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DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEM (Population is shriveling)

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It's hard to be a great power if your population is shriveling. Europe's birthrates have dropped well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children for each woman of childbearing age. For Western Europe as a whole, the rate is 1.5. It's 1.4 in Germany and 1.3 in Italy. In a century - if these rates continue - there won't be many Germans in Germany or Italians in Italy. Even assuming some increase in birthrates and continued immigration, Western Europe's population grows dramatically grayer. Now about one-sixth of the population is 65 and older. By 2030 that would be one-fourth, and by 2050 almost one-third, the trouble is that so much benevolence requires a strong economy, while the sources of all this benevolence - high taxes, stiff regulations - weaken the economy. With aging populations, the contradictions will only thicken. Indeed, some scholarly research suggests that high old-age benefits partly explain low birthrates. With the state paying for old age, who needs children as caregivers?

High taxes may also deter young couples from assuming the added costs of children.
So in sentences which are above clearly explains us that financially situation is ok but for who Europe is uniting and to whom this economy will belong when there is neither sound generation with sound mind nor generation itself, too much sick young people. For who symbolized such transnational change in the continent of Europe? * br/>

Beside of aging of population Europe has problem with its generation. Europe is by the heaviest-imbibing region in the world, with alcohol consumption per head over twice the world average-11 L of pure alcohol per year. During the mid-1970s, as southern countries have slowly lost the habit of drinking throughout the day. But younger generation is yanking it up again. Irish Minister of State Noel Ahern, speaking about his own country, captures the European trend: "People used to drink for enjoyment, but now many young people are drinking to get plastered. ** p> Kids may think binge drinking is cool, but the hangover-in terms of health problems, crime and accidents causing death or disability-is huge. Spanish Health Minister Elena Salgado says that the number of hospitalizations from alcohol abuse has doubled in a decade. Martin Plant, an alcohol researcher at the University of the West of England, says that "people in their 20s are now dying of alcohol-related liver disease, and even teenagers are developing it ". British accidents and 47% of violent crimes, in Germany young people are drinking almost 30% more alcohol than four years ago.

Average age Europeans start drinking

ITALY; 12.2


E.U; 14.6

U.K; 14.8


GREECE; 17.2 ***

In Spain, young girls are keeping up with the boys and drinking to get plastered; 82% of 14-to 18-year-olds say they drink regularly, and reckon they are drunk every 10 days.


This information is the fact about Europe before stating it I have said about the generation and to make my statement more reliable or authentic I mention about young people of EU and trend of youth is-wrong, plus administration of EU doest not take effective action according to it even if they do but is not really significant. Today EU's young descendants do not take such progress between European nations. p> So much consumption of alcohol causing not only death or disability, but it leads to unplanned sex, it spreads either sexual harassment or leads to many HIV (Human immun...

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