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Реферат Legal system

his had several effects:

1. It kept legal action short. You could only keep a case going as long as you could afford to be gone.

2. It kept the law simple. When everyone is forced to know the law you don't end up with the million page monster that USA current laws are. This is, I think, the biggest bonus. How can you keep the law when you don't even know the law? It became a big problem currently in the USA, and corrupted or greed lawyers and judges make money on it.

But at the same time if you kill the lawyers then the criminalities will be in an even better place than before. One problem with the current legal system is that it's believed that two lawyers, both fighting hard for their clients, can after much muckraking and slander finally uncover the truth and find justice. And I come back to the same question: what defines justice? How can a lawyer knowingly fight on behalf of guilty man and demand for his client what is not justice? What defines justice? Is it money? p> As one can notice there are a lot of problems in the modern American legal system: corruption, untruly revenues and often unequal access of citizens to the judgment. The system is sophisticated and uncontrolled. p> Analyzed all the previous information I can state with very much confidence that American legal system needs reforms in the area of ​​organization. br/>



1. Acheson, Patricia C., Our Federal Government, How It Works , Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1984. p> 2. Burke, Thomas F. Lawyers, Lawsuits and Legal Rights. California, 2002

3. Carp, Robert A., Stidham, Ronald, Judicial Process in America, Congressional Quarterly Inc., Washington, DC, 1993. p> 4. Curran, Christopher (1993), 'The American Experience with Self-Regulation in the Medical and Legal Professions '. Regulation of Professions, Antwerpen, Maklu, 47-87

5. Gillers, Stephen; Simon, Roy D. Regulation of Lawyers: Statutes and Standards. New York, 2001

6. Hazard, Geoffrey C. Jr.; Rhode, Deborah L. The Legal Profession: Responsibility And Regulation Westbury, 1994

7. Lee, Katherine J., Courts & Judges, How They Work, Halt, Inc., 1987. p> 8. M. Thornton, Dissonance and Distrust Women in the Legal Profession (1996)

9. Morgan, Thomas D.; Rotunda, Ronald D. Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility New York, 1995

10. Rhode, Deborah L. In the Interests of Justice-Reforming the Legal Profession. USA, 2000

11. Vago, Steven Law and Society. St.Louis, 2000

12. Wasby, Stephen L., The Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System, Nelson-Hall Publishers, Chicago, 4th ed. 1996. br clear=all>

[1] from the preamble to Supreme Court Rule 4

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