stify"> Ставши знаменитим і багатим, Мартін не забуває старого товариша Джо, він піклується про його майбутнє:
Say, Joe, there sa Frenchman out on Twenty-eighth Street. He s made a pot of money, and he s going back to France. It sa dandy, well-appointed, small steam laundry. If you like it, and think it is worth the price-twelve thousand-let me know and it is yours (London 2011).
Він матеріально допомагає сестрі і багатодітній жінці, у якої колись знімав кут. З закохалася в нього Ліззі він обходиться дбайливо і сердечно:
В«You are a great and noble woman,В» he said. В«And it is I who should be proud to know you. And I am, I am. You are a ray of light to me in a very dark world, and I ve got to be straight with you, just as straight as you have been В»(London 2011).
Чи не мстить він і репортерові, що зіграв фатальну роль у його долі:
In his little room, Martin read next morning s paper. It was a novel experience to find himself head-lined, on the first page at that; and he was surprised to learn that he was the most notorious leader of the Oakland socialists (London 2011).
Автор щедро наділив героя позитивними якостями. Мартін - широка натура, чесний, правдивий, чуйний, здатний на ніжну глибоку любов. До того ж він багато обдарований природою, розумний, привабливий, мужній:
His eyes were made for seeing, but up to that moment they had been filled with the ever changing panorama of the world, above a square-domed forehead he saw a mop of brown hair, nut-brown , with a wave to it and hints of curls that were a delight to any woman, making hands tingle to stroke it and fingers tingle to pass caresses through it. But he passed it by as without merit, in her eyes, and dwelt long and thoughtfully on the high, square forehead, - striving to penetrate it and learn the quality of its content. They were the lips of a fighter and of a lover. They could taste the sweetness of life with relish, and they could put the sweetness aside and command life. The chin and jaw, strong and just hinting of square aggressiveness, helped the lips to command life (London 2011). p align="justify"> Добра половина роману присвячується опису разючих успіхів і переваги Мартіна над оточуючими:
В«I had that door painted only last weekВ», Mr. Higginbotham half whined, half bullied; В«and you know what union wages are. You should be more careful В». Martin had intended to reply, but he was struck by the hopelessness of it (London 2011). He punched on and on, slower and slower, as the last shreds of vitality oozed from him, through centuries and aeons and enormous lapses of time, until,...