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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

ite comprihensable, proceeding from the instance above it is obvious that to make up a metaphor indirect meaning produced from direct is required [11; 103 ]. Metaphor serves as an instrument of thought and cognition. Based on the associative mental activity. Metaphor allows us to isolate difficult to think over abstract objects and give them independence. The human mind is formed in the process of gradually meeting the biological needs of a man. First, he has mastered the surrounding concrete objects. To select from a living organism to psychological components required to make a considerable effort. An example is the long history of forming ideas of "I": first, saying "my body", "my heart", "my flesh", pronouns like "I" and "you" came much later [11; 142].

Characteristics of a category of objects, which are indicated by a metaphor, are nationally specific. It may belong to the fund of general ideas about the world of native speakers, mythology and traditions. For example, in the Ukrainian language "donkey" in a metaphorical sense, means "stubborn" and in Spanish the word В«el burroВ» (donkey) is called the hard-working man. relation between subject and object-relation-awareness can comprehend only likening it to a different relationship between objects. As a result of assimilation, metaphor is composed [3; 153]. p align="justify"> It has already been explained that the basis for the metaphor is an association. Thus, in the creation of metaphors four components are involved: two categories of objects and properties of each. Metaphor selects the features of one class of objects and attaches them to another class or an individual subject. When a man is called or campared to a fox, he is credited with a sign of tricks, typical for this class of animals and the ability to cover a trails. Thereby, the essence of man is perceived, his image is created as well as a new sense of a word: "fox" becomes a figurative meaning of "smoothie, crafty, sly deceiver." Endowed with such properties a person can possess a nickname "the fox", "fox", or a name "Foxman," which reflects the cognitive, nominative, artistic and semanticf function of metaphor. then, the process of metaphorisation lies in the comparing of one class of objects or individual properties and actions, specific to another class of objects or related to another object of this class.

There are several common patterns of metaphorisation values:

. a physical sign of the object is transferred to the person contributing to the isolation and designation of mental personality traits (dull, soft, hard, hard water);

. signs and actions of humans and animals are transferred to natural phenomena (the principle of anthropogenic and zoomorphism: crying storm, "The weary sun sad farewell to the sea");

. an attribute object is converted into an attribut e of abstract conc...

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