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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

9;s the most important tools for making one s piece of work deeper and more poignant. As symbolic connectors, metaphors most often link things we can sense with intangible thoughts or concepts. For example, the metaphor, "his mind was a turbulent ocean," immediately evokes an image in the reader's mind, with which one can better understand how the subject feels or thinks by linking 'his' state of mind to a swirling, gushing body of water. At the same time, the metaphor above also enables the reader to make diverse conclusions about the subject's character. A writer could potentially create an infinite number of connotations about this character only if elaborating on this symbolic representation of character's mind. Oceans can be calm or peaceful, too. They have tides and weather patterns, which can be (and often are) associated with people's moods.not to form a good metaphor the one should follow some steps or so called the mechanism of metaphor formation. It is essential to know it in order to avoid some misconceptions.metaphor, not only forms a representation of the object, but also determines the method and way of thinking about it. In other words, the metaphor is not only a means of expression, but also an important tool of thinking, being associated with associative thinking. This idea reflects the statement of Garcia Lorca: "For me, the imagination - a synonym for the ability to discovery. A true daughter of the imagination - metaphor, born of an instant flash of intuition, lit by long anticipation anxiety. Poetic imagination wanders and transforms things, gives them special, especially their sense of connection and identifiers which are not even suspected. "As a proof that metaphor is an instrument of thought and is directly related to the associative activity can lead such an interesting historical fact: as we know, the Chinese writing system directly represents the notion, unlike our own, more practical, based on the principle that mechanical, where each sound corresponds to definite sign. Write or read Chinese - it means to think. Not finding signage for "sorrow" combined the two Chinese ideograms, one of which signified "Autumn", and another - the "heart". Sorrow for the Chinese-autumn heart [6; 136].

Not all sites are easily accessible to thinking, not from everything one can make a separate and clear picture. Therefore, thoughts must turn to easily accessible sites that are received as a starting point, based on the association of making the concept of objects, can reach the most remote areas of the conceptual field. For example, when one say "to the depth (bottom) of the soul" the word "bottom" means a spiritual phenomenon that has nothing to do with space and devoid of physical characteristics such as surface or bottom. In the example provided the word "bottom" is used not in the literal sense despite that the matophor is qu...

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