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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

epts (deep judgments, empty words);

. the signs of nature and natural classes of objects carried on the person (light day - light-o'-love, shady place - shady character). the metaphorisation processes can proceed in the opposite direction: from man to nature and from nature to man , from inanimate objects to animate and the inanimate to the living. In some cases, the transfer is made so regularly that the speaker leaves a sense of the semantic shift that overcomes metaphor [7; 90]. General, metaphor is developed from more concrete meaning to more abstract. The most obvious metaphoric potency have the following types of predicates:

) specific adjectives (light, dark, low, high, cold, hot);

) verbs with the meaning of the mechanical action (run, fall, cut, sew);

) the predicates characterizing the range objects and thus unequivocally containing the term of comparison (to ripen, fade, melt, flow, to bear fruit) [9; 78]. to consider the process of metaphorisation deeper , it is necessary to distinguish three main views on its linguistic nature: a metaphor as a way of existence of the meanings of words, as the phenomenon of syntactic semantics, as a way of conveying meaning in a communicative act.the first case, the metaphor is regarded as lexicological phenomenon. Accordingly, the representatives of this approach believe that the metaphor is realized in the structure of linguistic meaning of the word. second approach focuses on the metaphorical meaning, arising from the interaction of words and phrases in the structure of the proposal, the boundaries of metaphor more broadly it will be considered at the level of syntactic matching of words.third approach is the most innovative, examines the imaginative comparison as the mechanism of forming the meaning of the utterance in different functional varieties of speech. For this approach, the metaphor is a functional communicative phenomenon, realized in an utterance or text [13; 56]., As the followers of the first approach can be attributed GN Sklyarovska, who while describing the process of metaphorisation, drew attention to the structure of the lexical meaning of a word that has the metaphorical imagery. While analysing a word its literal meaning and metaphorical meaning is compared. However, this approach can not answer the question about the mechanisms of formation of figurative meaning in different types of speech and, of course, involves only the study of linguistic metaphor. Psychological experiments showed that humans mind can not just instantly react to the imagery of speech, but also easy to understand these images, which suggests that the metaphor is not reducible to the use of tokens that have metaphorical value [17, 44]. of the second approach, including ND Arutyunov, M. Black, A. Richards, consider the metaphor as a phenomenon of syntactic semantics. Wit...

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