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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Department of Banking s ora CB carries me Todd and cal guidance on registration and licensing of credit institutions tion, as well as e counter of miles for this avenue of assignment.banks operate on the basis of the Charter, to from ory adopted by its members . The Charter of the fixed functions of the bank, its legal structure, the order of formation h per secution and powers of government. Commercial e Skim banks are prohibited to carry out activities in the field of ma t erialnogo straight on production and trade of material goods, as well as engage in all rows and insurance, except for insurance of currency and credit risks. Banks can be founders and participate own Mr. governmental funds on a pro rata wasps basis in economic activity pre priya dts and organizations.with clients are based on contract, while the parties have ample opportunities tee in determining their conditions. For example, from January 1, 1992 in Russia on Tmenov restrictions on setting interest rates on operations kommerch e banks. Bank and enterprise, engaging in dog about Vorn relationship with each other, seek to implement their self-supporting interests effectively erase d eration.the supervision of commercial banks exercised Depart t Ament banking Above s ora checked out correctly ba n Minkowski laws and regulations CBR , as well as the counter of liruetsya enforce bank prudential regulations. For these purposes, may be about m Mfr e Dehn continuous or spot check of bank operations. Ba n ki required to submit a constituent e firmed CB for its location balances, plans, reports and other documents required to determine the correctness of credit and settlement op e radiosmercial banks, admitting fault, can ca e nyatsya sanctions or action. For example, the bank is recom tion and possible ways to eliminate the shortcomings, on financial recovery plan for the bank (increase equity, restructuring of assets, etc.). As sanctions applied increasing reserve requirements, a fine in the amount of income earned in pe result of unlawful actions of the bank; review the license for banking operations or the imposition of restrictions on bank operations. Review l licenses and acts as a decision to liquidate the bank. This measure is used in the next e following cases: detection of false information on the basis of cat ryh licensed, with delayed onset of activity for more than one year from the date of issue of the license; performing operations prohibited by legisla tion m and beyond provided by the bank license, identifying drug solutions at the bank of the antimonopoly legislation (for example, pr e Vyshen 35% stake in the authorized capital of the bank by one of its members). Organ ization and management structure and commercial bank regulated by its Charter, which contains provisions on the governing bodies of the bank, their structure, the order of formation and functions. Commercial banks are not in s shestoyaschih bodies. The supreme body of the commercial bank is used in common with even earlier shareholders (shareholders), convened annually for the following in about asking: Charter change and the authorized capital, the election of the Board of Bank utve p firmed annual results, the distribution of income of the bank, and CREATE and liquidation of subsidiaries Bank enterprises and some other important activities in about asking the bank (not related to its agement n ta). organization of relationships with commercial banks and methods of regula...

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