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Реферат Шпоргалки з історії мови

lding (fan = admirer,? From fanatic.Its homonym-Latin fan = device 4 cooling) .5 Sound imitation-mew-sound, sea gull. ! In all cases-accidentally, conversion-exception, (1 from the other)! 6 Originate form dif meaning of 1 wrd. Classif-n by Smirnitsky: 1full homonyms (wrds of the same category of PSp, have the same paradigm when wrds r unchangeable , match, n-game, short piece of wood. 2Partial h, 3 subgr:-Simple lex-gram partial h, belong to the same PSp, paradigms have 1 identical form (found, v, found, v-Past Ind),-Compl lex-gram partial h, dif PSp, 1 identical form in paradigms (rose, n, rose Past ind.), - Partial lex h, same PSp, identical in corresponding forms (to hang-hung-hung, to hang-hanged-hanged).

Ways of Replenishment (Neol, Abbrev, Borrowed). Being an adaptive sys the voc is constantly adjusting itself to the changing conditions of human commun-n. New notions appear, requiring new wrds to name them. New wrds, expressions or neologisms are created fro new things. Neologism - a newly coined wrd or phrase or a new meaning for an existing wrd. Problem-which wrds are considered to be new? The most rational point-N-wrds that appeared in the last years of the previous generation. Reasons for N origination: - polit changes,-the spere of law & police (lie-detector, plastid bomb),-science & technology,-innovations (fast-food). Way of forming N: - creating (sound imitation),-borrowing (Fr, Germ, Spanish),-combining (affixation, w-composition). Prefixes: para psychologist, docu mercial, psycho linguistic, intro, maxi, mini. Suffixes: drive- in , worka holic , eer, st. Compounding (rhyme c-brain-rain), Shortening (landing) strip. Abbre v-w-ds formed from the initial letters of each of the parts of a phrasal term. 2 types: - Acronyms , a wrd-comb pronounced as a wrd, popular esp in polit & techn voc (NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Organisation for Women - NOW, homon to odinary wrd ). ). 2 : simple, compound, phrase and sentence ep-s. A reverse ep-composed of 2 N linked by of-phrase (the shadow of a smile). Language epithets as part of the emotional word-stock of the l-ge have a tendency to become obsolescent. Oxymoron - combination of 2 words in which the meanings of them are opposite in sense (pleasantly ugly, awfully nice). Models: adj + N, adj + adv. Antonomasia -the use of a proper name to express a general idea or the use of a person's name as a common N. A is intended to point out the leading char-acteristic feature of a person or event. In publicistic & belles-lettres style. (Don Juan). Interaction of logical & nominal meaning. SDs wh deal with the intensification of some features. -> Simile - the use of a word or a phrase for comparing 2 diff things in 2 or Periphrasis (= circumlocution) - the use of a longer phrasing in place of a shorter or a plainer form of expression. Aims at pointing to one of the seemingly insignificant or features or properties of the given object, and intensifies them. Ex: my better half (my wife). In newspaper lang, publ. Logical periphrasis is based on one of the inherent properties or perhaps a passing feature of the object described (the most pardonable of human weaknesses - 'love'). Figurative periphrasis is based either on metaphor or on metonymy, the key-word of the collocation being the word used figuratively ('to tie the knot' = 'to marry'). Euphemism - a figure of speech aimed at substituting a harsh word or expression by means of a milder. Ling peculi-arity-eu must call up a definite synonym in the mind of a person (to die = to pass away, to join the silent majority, to be gone). They are EM, not SD because they don't call to mind the key-word or dominant of the group. Groups, acc to sphere: 1) religi-ous, 2) moral, 3) medical and 4) political (undernourishment). Aim-to express in a more deliberate manner, not to offend. If become closely associated with the object-give way to newly coined wds. Hyperbole - deliberate exaggeration of a feature essential to the object or phenom. Like SD may lose its qualitya unite of a lang-as-a-sys. (Scared to death). Set expr-s wh have their peculiaritiesa Cliche - expression that has become hackneyed and trite. Not a stable w-combin, but w-combinations which have long lost their novelty and become trite, but...

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