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Реферат Шпоргалки з історії мови

which are used as if they were fresh and original. The process of being acknowledged as a unit of language is slow. It is next to impossible to foretell what may be accepted as a unit of lg and what may be rejected. Used in press. Proverbs, Sayings - facts of lang. Dictionaries. A peculiar mode of utterance which is mainly characterized by its brevity. A proverb presupposes a simultaneous application of 2 meanings: the face-value of primary meaning and an extended meaning drawn from the context. Proverbs are brief statements showing the life experience of the community. Differ from ordinary utterance by semant aspect. Not lose freshness if use properly (a new broom sweeps clean). Epigram - SD akin to a proverb, but we know the author. Always have a literary-bookish character. Witty expr-s. (Keats-A thing of beauty is a joy forever.). Characteristic feature the sentence gets accepted as a w-combination and often becomes part of the language as a whole. Poetry is epigrammatic in essence. It always strives for brevity of expression. Allusion - an indirect reference, by word or phrase, to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact.Ppresupposes knowledge of the fact. No indication of the source is given (differences b/w quot & allusion). Linguistic fusions are set phrases, the meaning of which is understood only from the combination as a whole. The meaning of the whole cannot be derived from the meanings of the component parts. The stylistic device of decomposition of fused set phrases consists in making each word of the combination acquire its literal meaning which in many cases leads to absurdity (It was raining cats and dogs, and two kittens and a puppy landed on my window-sill). /Td>

Phonetic SD . Dealing with s-cs we should use the term individual style that is indiv.manner of the author to use lang.means to achieve the effect he desires, it is a combination of lang.units (EM and SD), peculiar to a given writer which makes his works easily recognizable. The EM of a lang are those phon, morph, word-building, lex, phraseol and syntac forms which exist in language-as-a-system for the purpose of logical and/or emotional intensification of the utterance. SD - conscious literary use of some of the facts of the lang, ie the most essential structural & semant features of the lang forms are viewed as generalizations (carry additional info-emotive, logical). Onomatopoeia is a combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced in nature, by things, by people and by animals. 2 types: Direct O is contained in words that imitate natural sounds, as ding-dong, cuckoo . Indirect O is a combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense (rustling of a curtain). Unlike alliteration, IO demands some mention of what makes the sound. Alliteration -SD wh aims at imparting a melodic effect to the utterance. The essence - lies in the repetition of similar sounds, in particular consonant sounds. In poetry. Does not bear any lexical or other meaning. Supports the author's idea with some emotional atmosphere. . Rhyme is the repetition of identical or similar terminal sound combinations of words. In verse - at the end of the lines. Tyoes: The full R presupposes identity of the vowel sound and the following consonant sounds in a stressed syllable. Incomplete R , 2 main groups: vowel rhymes and consonant rhymes. In vowel R the vowels of the syllables in words are identical, but the consonants may be different. Consonant rhymes - vice versa. Eye-rhyme , where the letters and not the sounds are identical (result of historical changes). Models: 1. couplets - when the last words of 2 successive lines are rhymed. 2. triple rhymes-aaa. 3. cross rhymes - abab. 4. framing or ring rhymes - abba. Internal rhyme-rhyming words are placed within the lines, breaks the line into 2 parts. aFunctions: dissevering and consolidating. Rhythm exists in all spheres of human activity. as SD is - combination of the ideal metrical scheme and the variations of it. It is a periodicity. Can find in prose where the unit of measure-not syllable, but a structure, w-conmb, sequence of wds. The peculiar property of prose rhythm is that it occurs only in relatively short spans of text. Prose rhythm, unlike verse rhythm, lacks consistency. p> Styl Class-n of the Eng Voc . In order to get a more or less clear idea of ​​the word-stock of any lang, it must be presented as a system, the elements of which are interconnected. A special branch of linguistic science - lexicology- has done much to classify voc. The whole of the word-stock as being divided into ...

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