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> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Створення інтерактивної книги засобами Unity3d

Реферат Створення інтерактивної книги засобами Unity3d

ign="justify">//set the correct positions to both objects (Matrix [i, j]!=null) [i, j] .GameObject.transform.position=GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport (i, j); [random_i, random_j] .GameObject.transform.position

=GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport (random_i, random_j);

//set the required properties (Matrix [i, j]!=null) {[i, j] .CurrentI=i; [i, j] .CurrentJ=j;

} [random_i, random_j] .CurrentI=random_i; [random_i, random_j] .CurrentJ=random_j;


//Update is called once per frameUpdate ()


{GameState.Start: (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0))


}; GameState.Playing :() ;; GameState.Animating: (PieceToAnimate, Time.deltaTime); () ;; GameState.End:=GetComponent lt; Text gt; () ;. Find ( puzzleend ). GetComponent lt; Text gt; () .enabled=true; (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0))




} CheckPieceInput ()

{(Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0)) {ray=Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition); D hit=Physics2D.Raycast (ray.origin, ray.direction);

//check if a piece was hit (hit.collider!=null) {name=hit.collider.gameObject.name; [] parts=name.Split ( - ); iPart=int.Parse (parts [1]); jPart=int.Parse (parts [2]); iFound=- 1, jFound=- 1;

//find which one was hit, in our 2D array

//there must be a better way than this one (int i=0; i lt; Constants.MaxColumns; i ++) {(iFound!=- 1); (int j=0; j lt; Constants.MaxRows; j ++) {(iFound!=- 1); (Matrix [i, j] == null); (Matrix [i, j] .OriginalI == iPart

amp; amp; Matrix [i, j] .OriginalJ == jPart) {= i;=j;



} foundPiece=Matrix [iFound, jFound];

//check for the null piece, taking into account the game boundspieceFound=false; (iFound gt; 0 amp; amp; Matrix [iFound - 1, jFound] == null) {= true; =iFound - 1;=jFound;

} else if (jFound gt; 0 amp; amp; Matrix [iFound, jFound - 1] == null) {= true;=iFound;=jFound - 1;

} else if (iFound lt; Constants.MaxColumns - 1 amp; amp; Matrix [iFound + 1, jFound] == null) {= true;=iFound + 1;=jFound;

} else if (jFound lt; Constants.MaxRows - 1 amp; amp; Matrix [iFound, jFound + 1] == null) {= true;=iFound;=jFound + 1;

} (pieceFound) {

//get the coordinates of the empty object=GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport (toAnimateI, toAnimateJ);=Matrix [iFound, jFound];=GameState.Animating;




} void AnimateMovement (Piece toMove, float time)


//animate it

//Lerp could also be used, but I prefer the MoveTowards approach :). GameObject.transform.position=Vector2.MoveTowards (toMove.GameObject.transform.position ,, time * AnimSpeed);


/// lt; summary gt;

/// A simple check to see if the animation has finished

/// lt;/summary gt; void CheckIfAnimationEnded ()

{(Vector2.Distance (PieceToAnimate.GameObject.transform.position,) lt; 0.1f)


//make sure they swap, exchange positions and stuff (PieceToAnimate.CurrentI, PieceToAnimate.CurrentJ, toAnimateI, toAnimateJ);=GameState.Playing;

//check if the use has won ();


} void CheckForVictory ()

{(int i=0; i lt; Constants.MaxColumns; i ++)

{(int j=0; j lt; Constants.MaxRows; j ++)

{(Matrix [i, j] == null) continue; ((Matrix [i, j] .CurrentJ!=Matrix [i, j] .OriginalJ) || (Matrix [i, j] .CurrentI!=Matrix [i, j] .OriginalI)) return;

//at least one wrong piece, so we have not won (yet!)


} (index);

//go [index] .SetActive (true);=GameState.End;

} Vector3 GetScreenCoordinatesFromVieport (int i, int j)

{point=Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint (new Vector3 (ratio * j + fromleft, 1f - 0.205f * i - 0.2f, 0)) ;. z=0; point;

} screenPositionToAnimate; Piece PieceToAnimate; int toAnimateI, toAnimateJ; Piece [,] Matrix=new Piece [Constants.MaxColumns, Constants.MaxRows]; GameState gameSta...

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