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Реферат Діяння франків та інших іерусалімцев

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Rinciman S.S. Byzantium and the crusades / / The meeting of two worlds. Cultural exchange between East and West during the period of the crusades. Kalamazoo, 1986.J. Cross-purposes: Alexius Comnenus and the First Crusade / / The First Crusade: origins and impact. Manchester, 1997.J. When Greek meets Greek: Alexius Comnenus and Bohemond in 1097-1098 / / Byzantine and modern greek studies, 12 (1988). RB Bohemond I, prince of Antioche. Princeton, 1917.

Заборов М. А. Візантійська політика папства і початок хрестових походів / / Середні віки. Вип. XIV. М., 1959.

Інші видання.

Alphand? ry P. La chr? tient? et l id? e de croisade. T.1. Paris, 1954.M., Demurger A., ??Guichard P. Pays d Islam et monde latin. Xe-XIIIe si? ??Cle. P, 2000.F. L Italie et la Croisade / / Le Concile de Clermont de 1095 et l appel? la Croisade. Actes du Colloque Universitaire International de Clermont-Ferrand, Paris, 1997.HEJ Canon Law and the First Crusade / / The Horns of Hattin / Ed. by B.Z. Kedar, Jerusalem, 1992.H.E.J. Christianity and the morality of warfare during the first century of crusading / / The Experience of Crusading. Vol. 1. Western Approaches. Cambridge, 2003.et cultures. Occident chr? Tien XII? Me-miXV? Me si? ??Cle / Sous la direction de I. Heullant-Donat. T. 1. Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1999.C. The origin of the idea of ??crusade. Princeton, 1977.J. La guerre sainte. La formation de l id? E de la croisade dans l Occident chr? Tien. Paris, 2001.J. La premi? Re croisade: l Occident chr? Tien contre l Islam (aux origines des id? Ologies occidentales). Bruxelles, 1992.E.A. Normans views of eastern christendom: from the first crusade to the principality of Antioch / / The meeting of two worlds. Cultural exchange between East and West during the period of the crusades. Kalamazoo, 1986.History of Crusades / General ed. Kenneth M. Setton, Madison, 1969-1989.

Jorga N. Les narrateurs de la premi? re croisade. Paris, 1928.T.M. Fighting for Chtistianity. Holy War in Byzantine Empire / / Byzantion 56 (1998).

Lobrichon G. 1099, J? rusalem conquise. Paris, 1998.J.-M. Italies Normandes. XI-XII si? Cles. Paris, 1994.J.-M. La Pouille du VI au XII si? Cle. Rome, 1993.F. Les croisades vues par les historiens arabes d hier et d aujourd hui / / Le Concile de Clermont de 1095 et l appel? la Croisade. Actes du Colloque Universitaire International de Clermont-Ferrand. P., 1997.D.C. The speech of Urban II at Clermont, 1095 / / AHR. Vol.11, N.2. 1905.

Nicol D. M. Byzantium and the Papacy in the Eleventh Centu...

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