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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Abbreviation as one of the two types of shortening in modern english

Реферат Abbreviation as one of the two types of shortening in modern english

ditional local growing seasons..depressed urban professional; a person who once had a high-status or high-paying job and must now work in a menial or lower paying jobEnd Of The World As We Know It; a catch-all phrase for the chaos and disruption that some people expect will occur in the new millennium., love, unity and respect. The unofficial credo of the rave scene.woman who finds motherhood and her children tedious and uninteresting. (Acronym from Smart, Middle-Class, Uninvolved, Mother.) Term for a corporate officer, such as a CEO (chief executive officer) or CFO (chief financial officer). Also: CxO.Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. The natural evolution of upwardly-mobile couples who have children and then one spouse stops working to raise the kids.person who favors a project that would add a dangerous or unpleasant feature to his or her neighborhood. (Acronym from the phrase yes in my back yard.) Derivatives: -YIMBYist.n.-YIMBYism N.person with a substantial income, but who is not yet wealthy. (From the phrase High Earner, Not Rich Yet.) Until no good; to change something so that it no longer works properly.young person who isn t working, in school, or in a training program. (From the phrase Not in employment, education, or training.) Raquo; t have anyone over syndrome; not inviting guests to one s house because it is too messy or cluttered.time to belly-up; the maximum number of days, weeks, or months that a company is expected to survive.person who hopes for or seeks the removal of some dangerous or unpleasant feature from his or her neighborhood.-GOOMBYism (GOOM.bee.iz.um) noun. The attitude of such a person. Get Out of My Backyard, uncertain, complex, and ambiguouscountries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China viewed as a group of emerging economies with large potential markets.-adj.person who consumes an excessive amount of alcohol while standing up.-adj. male volume vertical drinkerabsolutely nothing anywhere near anyone. A person who is opposed to new real estate development, particularly projects close to their neighbourhood.-adj.unexplained problem that resolves itself over time. (From the phrase just one of those things.) Over there, either. A person or attitude that opposes new real estate development in the local community and is not open to compromise on this issue.neighborhood electric vehicle; a small electric car designed to travel at low speeds over short distances.ambitious or difficult plan or goal. big, hairy, audacious goal.adult son or daughter, particularly one aged 30 or more, who still lives with his or her parents.-adj. From kids in parents pockets eroding retirement savings.

33.DWB. Driving while black - when a car is pulled over by a police officer for no other reason than the driver is black.


(nyn uh.lev.un) n. September 11, 2 001, the date of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.-adj. Also: 9-11.group of people who routinely oppose new real estate developments and other projects that they believe will harm their local area. Acronym based on the phrase citizens against virtually everything. Also: CAVE people or CAVE dwellers.perceived notion that children of all ages are performing activites, particularly playing with toys, traditionally seen as being suitable for older children. (From Kids Getting Older Younger.) Person or attitude that opposes all real estate development or other projects that would harm the environment or reduce property values.

(Not on Planet Earth) that is profoundly uninteresting and/or useless.sense of the word comes from the acronym WOMBAT: Waste Of Money Brains And Time.P

(pee.too.pee) 1.Peer-to-peer adj. Describes a network or other technology that enables users to trade files directly without requiring a central database or server.2.Person-to-person adj. Describes a payment service that enables one individual to pay another for an online transaction (such as an auction sale). 3.Path to profitability n. The strategy a company plans to implement to become profitable..or inappropriate items donated to a charity organization or relief effort. (From the phrase Stuff WE DO not Want.) Acronym formed from the initial letters of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the name of an infectious disease, caused by a coronavirus, that affects the respiratory system and can in some cases be fatal.acronym based on the initial letters of Wireless Application Protocol, a specification supporting the transfer of data (especially for Internet access, including text and images) to and from a hand-held wireless device, especially a mobile phone with suitable display panel.Cto-consumer ; describes transactions in which a consumer sells a service or product directly to another consumer. [12]



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