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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Переклад дипломатичної документації з англійської мови на російську мову

Реферат Переклад дипломатичної документації з англійської мови на російську мову

ct, the machines are to be tasted in accordance with the conditions existing in the corresponding branch of industry in the Sellers 'country.

The results of the test are to stated in the test report which is to be issued after the test.

10 days before the test the Sellers are to inform the Buyers and the Trade Representation of Russia in ..... of the readiness of the goods for the test.

If the test is carried out in the presence of Buyers 'Inspector and no defects have been found, the Inspector will issue a Release note for shipment. If the test is carried out in the absence of the Buyers 'Inspector, and the tests show that the equipment is manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the contract, the Buyers or the Trade Representation of Russia in ... will permit the shipment of the equipment upon receipt of the Test Report or other certificates as to the quality of the goods.

The Release Note for Shipment as well as the Test Certificates do not free the Sellers from their obligations stipulated by the Guarantee clause. p> The final inspection and the test of the equipment are to take place at the Buyers ' plant in Russia after erection.


The quality of the delivered is to correspond to the technical conditions stipulated in the contract or in the Appendix to it.

The Sellers guarantee that:

a. the delivered equipment corresponds to the highest technical level and the highest standards existing in the Sellers 'country for the equipment in question at the moment of the fulfillment of the contracts

b. proper material and first-rate workmanship have been in the manufacture of the goods

c. the capacity of the delivered equipment and the quality of its operation are in all respects in conformity with the Technical Conditions of the contract

d. the delivered equipment is complete in accordance with the conditions of the contract which provides for its normal and uninterrupted operation

e. the technical documents and drawings are complete, accurate and sufficient for the erection and operation of the equipment.

The guarantee period is .... Months from the date of putting the equipment into operation, but not more than ... months from the date of shipment of the last lot of equipment. The date of the Report issued after the test of the equipment at the Buyers ' factory is considered to be the date of putting the equipment into operation.


Нижче наведемо словник мінімум виразів, використовуваних в тексті контракту:

Forwarding agents - експедитори

Volume - обсяг

Facilities - засоби , можливості

Shipping facilities - тоннаж

Receipt - розписка

To defray - оплачувати, брати на себе

To sustain - відчувати, терпіти

Sustain losses - понести втрати

Underloading - недовантаження

Test report - протокол випробування

General view drawing - креслення загального виду

Assembly - збірка

Assembly drawing - складальний креслення

Parts and assemblies of the machine - частини і вузли машини

Lubrication - самзка

Scheme - схема

To wear out - зношуватися

To supervise - спостерігати

Apparatus - апарат , прилад

Inscription - напис

Non-complete - незакінчений

Average - середній

Excess weight - надлишок ваги

Disposal - розпорядження

To correspond - відповідати

Level - рівень

Elimination - усунення

Список літератури:

1. Комерційна кореспонденція та документація англійською мовою. Є.Є. Ізраїлевич. Санкт-Петербург., 1992. p> 2. Ділові листи на англ. мовою. Г. А. Котій. В.Р. Гюльмісаров. p> 3. 1000 фраз ділової листуванню на англ. Мовою. С.А. Шеведева. М.В. Скворцова

4. Теорія і практика перекладу економічних текстів з англ. Мови. А.М. Еролова. p> 5. English Business Letters. F.W. King. D. Ann Cree. M., 1994. br/>

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