h century. Thus, the authoritar ian regime F. Castro established in 1959 in Cuba, then turned into totalitarianism. In the same number of other countries (Korea, Chile, Thailand, Haiti, Panama, Argentina and some other Latin American countries) authoritarianism gradually evolved towards democracy. However, there are states with very pronounced authoritarian regime (Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, etc.). [14, p. 76]. Political regime. The term "totalitarianism" is derived from the medieval Latin word В«totalsВ», which means "whole", "full", "general". Totalitarianism - a complete control and strict regulation of the state in all spheres of society, every person by direct armed violence. State absorbs all of society and a particular person [12, p. 243]. (From Lat. Dictatura - unlimited power ) - the mode of government of one person or group of persons led by a leader without any control by the governed, there was a long time and had many historical forms of its manifestation. First, in Rome republican dictator called emergency official (magistrate), destined for a term not exceeding six months to provide protection from external threats or to suppress domestic rebellion. Since Sulla and especially Caesar, who often received dictatorial powers, the nature of dictatorship has changed significantly. The dictator was impervious law, unaccountable people and changed the laws to their advantage.is a new type of dictatorship in which the special role played by the state and ideology. The term "totalitarian" entered the political lexicon of Italian Fascists leader B. Mussolini (1883-1945). The purpose of the fascist movement, in his opinion, was to create a strong state, the use of force only principles of exercising power. The essence of totalitarianism B. Mussolini expressed formula: "Everything in the State, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Since 1925 he began to use the term "totalitarianism" to describe the Nazi state. And from 1929 (the newspaper "Times"), this term was taken against the regime that emerged in the Soviet Union.arises in the twentieth century as the political regime and as a special model of socio-economic order, characteristic of the stage of industrial development, and as an ideology. Creating an extensive system of mass communications allowing for ideological and political control over the entity. The person is in the destruction of traditional ways of life become vulnerable to world market forces and competition. Complications of social relationships required to strengthen the role of the state ("statism") as a universal regulator organizer and interaction of individuals with no matching interests. Experience shows that totalitarian regimes tend to arise in extreme conditions: the growing instability in society; deep crisis that covers all aspects of life, and finally, if necessary, the strategic objectives, critical ...