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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Types of political regimes and their characteristics

Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

r, this approach should be taken with caution, as the above figures depend not only on the ratio of the form of government and electoral system, and most likely - the degree of civilization of the whole society [7, p. 212]., The study of the political regime devoted their work, many researchers, lawyers, political scientists as foreign and Ukraine. Pluralism of opinions and views led to the formation of two common approaches to understanding the political regime: institutional (political and legal) and sociological. However, some approaches advocated as Leyphart A., E. Shylz and others.

2. Types of political regimes and their characteristics

2.1 The authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes, and their characteristics

political regime. Authoritarianism is usually regarded as a type of regime that is intermediate between totalitarianism and democracy. - A political regime in which all power is concentrated in one person (monarch, dictator) or ruling group.is one of the most common modes of political modernity. It was developed mainly in several countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, resigned and the Soviet Union, when, after the death of Stalin, began the transformation of the totalitarian regime in authoritarian.essential features of authoritarianism are:

The monopoly of power of one group, party or coalition that to no one accountable.

Complete or partial ban on the opposition.

Highly centralized power structure.

Save limited pluralism, the existence of differentiated relationship between society and the state.

Inheritance and cooptation as the main ways of forming the dominant political elite.

Lack of nonviolent change of government.

Use the power structures to maintain power.the roots of authoritarianism include:

The preservation of the traditional type of society with a focus on common and persistent forms of social life and authority;

Preservation of patriarchal nationality type of political culture as overwhelming;

Significant influence of religious norms (most of Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism) on the political orientation of the population;

Economic backwardness;

Lack of civil society;

A high degree of conflict in societies [12, p. 246]. Authoritarian political system occupies an intermediate position between totalitarianism and democracy. Under the influence of a complex set of economic, social, political, cultural and other factors, it will eventually evolve toward democracy or totalitarianism. This transient nature of authoritarian political regime wore in the last decades of the twentiet...

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