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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Types of political regimes and their characteristics

Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

to the country [14, p. 350]. The main features that characterize totalitarianism as a political regime, H. Arendt, K. Fridrihs and Z. Bzhezinskiy are the following:

centralized management and control in the economy;

The system overall control over the behavior of individuals in social field;

recognize the leading role of one party in policy and its implementation dictatorship;

domination of official ideology in the spiritual realm and the forced imposition members of society;

concentration in the hands of the party and the state of the media (press, radio, television, film);

cult guiding people at all levels, government at all levels is hands of unaccountable people nomenclature administration;

fusion of party and state apparatus, the control of the executive elected bodies;

absence of punitive laws and subjugation of society and as result, arbitrary form of state terror and mass arrests.features are common to all totalitarian regimes. However distinguish several varieties of totalitarianism: Communist totalitarianism ("left"), fascism, national socialism ("right"). Totalitarianism existed in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries. Now in one way or another it exists in Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and China.in its communist form was the most tenacious. To the 80-th century. in totalitarian states lived about a third of mankind.was first established in Italy in 1922 Here totalitarian features were not fully expressed. Fascist regimes also existed in Spain. Portugal, Chile.third kind of totalitarianism - national socialism arises in Germany in 1933 He characterized almost all common features of totalitarianism. National Socialism has an affinity with fascism combines the features of one and another.main differences are the main varieties of totalitarianism distinct in their political purposes: building communism, the rebirth of the Roman Empire, the consolidation of world domination Aryan race. They also identified in social preferences: the working class, the descendants of the Romans, Germanic nation [2, c. 158]. br/>

2.2 Democratic political regime and the ways of democracy

is the most difficult type of political regime. The term "democracy" in Greek (demos - people, kratos - power, dominion) means "people power." - Is a form of the state, its political regime in which the people or the majority is (considered) a carrier state.is associated with freedom, equality, justice, human rights, participation of citizens in governance. Therefore, democracy as a political regime decided to oppose authoritarian, totalitarian and other dictatorial regimes.most important features of democracy are:

Legal recognition of the sovereign power of the people. ...

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