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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The translation of the modal verbs: "may, might, can, could, would, should"

Реферат The translation of the modal verbs: "may, might, can, could, would, should"

the concept of their meaning: possibility, obligation, necessity, probability, prohibition, permission, advice, and suggestions. But we should remember that sometimes one modal verb can express different concepts.let us consider modal verbs of permission and possibility. They are can and may.verb canmodal verb can has the following forms: can - the present tense and could - the past tense.form could is used in two ways:

In past-time contexts as a form of the Indicative Mood.

Example 1: He could speak English when he was a child 1: Він міг говорити на Англійській, коли був дитиною.

In present-time contexts to express unreality, or as a milder and more polite form of can, or as a form implying more uncertainty than can.

Example 2: He could speak English if necessary. Could I help you? Could it be true? 2: Він міг би говорити на Англійському у разі потреби. Міг би я Вам чимось допомогти? Це могло бути правдою? p align="justify"> Can has the following meanings:

) Possibility.) Possibility due to circumstances: 1: Anybody can make a mistake.1: Помилятися може каждий.2: You can hardly blame him for that. 2: Навряд чи можна його за це звинувачувати. p align="justify"> b) Possibility due to the existing rules of laws :: In old days a man could be sentenced to death for a small crime.: У старі часи можна було засудити людину до смерті за невеликий злочин.

c) Possibility of the idea (the so-called theoretical possibility): 1: The railways can be improved . 1: Залізниці можуть бути вдосконалені.

(It is possible for the railways to be improved, as they are not yet.) general statements of possibility can has roughly the same meaning as sometimes .: The sea can be rough. = The sea is sometimes rough.: Море іноді буває бурхливим.

Can is generally used in questions about possibility and in statements about impossibility.1: Can this be true? (Is it possible that this is true?) 1: Невже це правда? 2: This can t be true. (It is impossible that this is true.) 2: Це не може бути правдою

2) Permission.1: Can we go home, Miss? 1: Можна йти додому, міс? p align="justify"> Example 2: Чи не can go now. 2: Тепер він може йти. p align="justify"> Example 3: The teacher said we could go home. 4: Учитель дозволив нам йти додому. p align="justify"> But the modal verb can express not only possibility and permission. Sometimes it can express:

) Request ( Can I have some water? < b align = "justify">),

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