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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

gn="justify"> earthquake , ? est-y-kutnyk < span align = "justify"> hexagon .

Word juxtaposition, in which the first component b ecomes part of the compound without undergoing any change (if there is an ending, it also becomes part of the compound; eg, ? alju-hidnyj pitiful , kil ka-poverxovyj several-storied ), is not very productive in the inflectional parts of speech, except in the derivation of compound numerals (eg, dvisti sorok p'jat 245 ', dvisti sorok p'jat ox 245 'gen), but it is normal in the derivation of prepositions (eg, ponad above , z- pid from under ), particles ( xiba? bo unless ), and interjections (tap-talap plop ). The derivation of substantives, especially of the names of states, institutions, organizations, and positions, allows for several types of abbreviation.

In the Ukrainian language compounding is a common type of word formation, and several types of compounds exist, both in terms of compounded parts of speech and of the way of the formation of a compound.nouns may be agglutinative compounds, hyphenated compounds (стіл-книга 'folded table' lit. 'table-book', ie, В«book-like tableВ»), or abbreviated compounds (portmanteaux: колгосп). Some compounds look like portmanteaux, while in fact they are an agglutinations of type stem + word: В«АкадемістечкоВ» (from В«akademichesky gorodokВ» 'Academic Townlet', ie, Academic Village). In agglutinative compound nouns, an agglutinating infix is ​​typically used: пароплав 'steamship': пар + про + плав. Compound nouns may be created as noun + noun, adjective + noun, noun + adjective (rare), noun + verb (or, rather, noun + verbal noun). Adjectives may be formed either per se, eg, В«біло-рожевийВ» 'white-pink' or as a result of compounding.

4. Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in Ukrainian and English languages ​​

object of the investigation is compound adjectives. Some introduction methods of gathering data, how you are going to classify or analyse them.classification given below is based on the componential analy...

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