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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » The Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Interjections in the English and Spanish Languages

Реферат The Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Interjections in the English and Spanish Languages



Курсова робота

з дисципліни: Стилістика англійської мови

на тему: Науково-популярний стиль

Style of Popular Scientific Prose

Виконав: студентка 3 курсу

факультету іноземних мов

очної форми навчання

Батракова Марія Олександрівна

Москва, 2 014

Table of Content

Introduction1. Scientific style

.1Popular scientific prose style

1.2Style shaping properties

Chapter 2. Peculiarities of popular scientific prose


we use in any specific situation varying according to the purpose and content of the situation. Different functional styles characterize a certain situation. I.R. Galperin, the well-known Russian linguist, distinguishes the following functional styles:

) The belles-letters style

) Publicist style

) Newspaper style

) Scientific prose style

) The style of official documents.this term paper we deal with the scientific prose style and its sub-style, popular scientific prose style.to the point of view of McMillan, the purpose of science as a branch of human activity is to disclose by research the inner substance of things and phenomena of objective reality and find out the laws regulating them, thus enabling man to predict, control and direct their future development in order to improve the material and social life of mankind [McMillan, 2001: 314]. Scientific prose helps us to reveal and understand all the features of scientific phenomenon as they are. goal of this term paper is to analyse stylistics of the popular scientific prosetain the target, we set the following objectives:

1) To distinguish scientific and popular scientific literature

2) To outline style shaping properties of popular scientific prose

) To examine the corpus of different articles to reveal the communicative and linguistic peculiarities

) To look into stylistic devices that are used in popular prose literature

This theme is very interesting for us, because we are living in the age of advanced technology, when achievements of scientific and technological progress strongly come into lives of ordinary people and science becomes part and parcel of mass culture elements. Particularly, popular scientific literature is called to fulfill this important social order and to introduce vast masses to the achievements of science. object of the term paper is popular scientific prose.subject of the term paper is stylistic peculiarities of popular scientific prose.the illustrative examples were taken mostly from journals National Geographic and Scientific American .methodological basis is founded on the works of such distinguished linguists as IR Galperin, W. Gilman, A.L. Nazarenko, D. Crystal, O. Lehtsalu and others. term paper consists of Introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

style popular scientific prose

Chapter 1. Scientific style

. 1 Scientific prose style

For the further analysis the terms style and stylistics should be defined. But the term style is polysemantic. Tentatively, language style maybe defined as a more-or-less coherent system, a subsystem (or microsystem) within a language, consisting of certain lexico-phraseological, grammatical and phonetical resources of that language, which are used selectively and purposefully to express ideas in given situation [Lehtsalu, 1973: 13] .study of language styles is the concern of linguo-stylistics. Put in another way, linguo-stylistics is a branch of stylistics which deals with the expressive and stylistic means of language, their relation to the idea or ideas expressed, and the classification and peculiarities of the existing styles of a language. Linguo-stylistics and literary stylistics complement each other and together they constitute what may be called general stylistics [Lehtsalu, 1973: 13] .are interested in functional styles, specifically, in scientific prose style..R. Galperin describes functional styles of language (FS) as types of texts that are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of the communication [Galperin, +2014: 9] .aim of the scientific prose style is to describe a phenomenon of science precisely, to reveal all the peculiari...

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