rudeness, cruelty, pride, arrogance, etc.) and corresponding wrongful responses from others . real danger - a consequence of the unfavorable dynamics of operational performance situation with real factors of threat to life and health of the worker. - a stress factor, which reflects the degree of awareness of employees ber tax police the circumstances in which the behavior of offenders, the effect of natural disasters, accidents or disasters, etc., may cause him or members of his family, physical, material or psychological harm, cause injury evaporation STU, possibly death.that determine susceptibility to hazards:
. True contraindications to hazardous activities. p align="justify">. Temporary factors limiting the use of the tax police in danger pechnyh situations. p align="justify">. Manifestation of victim personal qualities that make workers vulnerable to evil force attacks. p align="justify">. Tactical and operational factors "dangerous" behavior of the employee. p align="justify">. Situational negative mental state employee. p align="justify">. Situationally psychological factors "dangerous" behavior of the employee. The concept of safety and tax police - a set of basic and interna assistance measures aimed at reducing hazards to imple flax-possible level, which guarantees the preservation of life and healthy care, normal mental status and capacity of the employee during func multifunctional duties, professional tasks in everyday and in extreme these situations.measures of personal security: professional, spiritual, legal, tactical, psycho logo, educational, physical, individual.
. Professional activities include acquisition and improvement of the service experience, combat, operational training, to his skillful use. p align="justify">. Spiritual measures include compliance culture behavior with colleagues from taxpayers to individuals who evade taxes, in a family of outsiders and stable moral behavior in different situations. p align="justify">. Legal measures - the compliance of the legal regulatory framework condi objective and challenge you professional performance. They provide the right knowledge legal norms, holding them in the performance of official duties and the development of appropriate regulations. p align="justify">. Tactical measures - knowledge of tactics criminals, and with this in mind skilful stagnation suvannya its tactical action to arrest the offender, getting re tance over it with minimal loss and maximum profit. p align="justify">. Psychological and educational activities - provide mobilizovanist psyche nastroyenistyu more viable, active, decisive action and willingness to act in difficult or dangerous to life or health situations. p align="justify">. Physical measures - the ability to apply measures against criminal attack against the life and health. They include physical development, ownership transmitters mom dogfight and create susta...