we can define the purpose of application of the technology game forms of training - Sustainable development of cognitive interest in students through a variety o f game forms of learning [27, c. 17-20]
* Objectives
В· To promote a lasting student assimilation of educational material
В· To promote the expansion of students horizons s through the use of additional sources
В· To develop students 'creative thinking
В· To promote the practical application of skills acquired in the classroom
В· To raise the moral attitudes and beliefs
В· To encourage the upbringing of self-developing and self-fulfilling individual
Didactic game has a certain structure that characterizes the game as a form of learning and playing activities. There are the following structural components of the didactic game:
) didactic task;:
) gaming activities
) rules of the game;
) result
The didactic task is determined by the purpose of training and educational impact It is formed by a teacher, and displays its educational activities [28, c. 26]. Gaming task is carried out by children The didactic task in a didactic game is implemented through a game problem. It determines the gaming activities of a child. p align="justify"> Gaming action is the basis of the game The more diverse gaming activities, the more fun for children and the game itself is more successfully deals with cognitive and game problems
In various games, gaming activities are different in their orientation with respect to the players. This, for example, role of, guessing riddles, spatial transformation, etc. They are connected with the game plan and come out of it Gaming activities are a means of implementing a game plan, but also include activities aimed at fulfilling the didactic task. p align="justify"> Gaming activities are a means of implementing a game plan, but also include activities aimed at fulfilling the didactic task. In the lesson we should include clear and specific images. If students do not see the pictures, they learn a verbal language, devoid of life content, which are quickly forgotten Game forms of training like no other technology facilitates the use of different ways to motivate
Motives for communication:
. Students who are jointly solving...