mic subject and the real nature of professional activity, systemic nature of used knowledge and their belonging to different disciplines. The method allows to connect a wide coverage of issues and depth of their comprehension. Game forms the logic of activities, includes the time of social interaction, prepars for professional communication. The game component contributes the greater involvement of students The game is full of feedback, and it is more informative than traditional used methods The game generated set of professional activity, helps to overcome stereotypes. Traditional methods assume the dominance of the intellectual sphere, the game shows the whole personality. Method triggers the inclusion of reflexive processes, provides a possible interpretation, comprehension of the results. The experience gained in the game, it may be even more productive in comparison with the acquired in professional activities. br/>
1.5 Characteristics of the main types of games, their classification and structural elements
A game as the specific activities is not simple Each type of game performs its function in development.can be divided into two types. The composition of the first type s consists of: game experiment and plot game, the - story-educational game, subject-role game, and theatrical game. This class of games is the most productive for the development of intellectual initiative and creativity of the child, which appear in the formulation of new game problems, for the emergence of new motives and activities. [25, c. 12] second type includes teaching games (didactic and others), which include entertainment, games, entertainment, intellectual games. p align="justify"> Educational and developmental value of these games is huge They shape the culture of the game, and help to assimilate social norms and rules, and, they are, the foundation of the amateur game in which students can creatively use the gained knowledge [26, c. 6]
Educational games is a kind of game with rules specially created by school for training and education. Educational games aimed at solving specific problems in learning, but at the same time, they gain an educational and developmental impact of gaming activities. p align="justify"> Typically, they require the student's ability to decipher, to unravel, - to know the subject. The more skillful didactic game is made, the most skillfully the didactic purpose hidden A schoolboy learns unintentionally, involuntarily playing to handle knowledge nested in a game. p align="justify"> Didactic games cause the student interest to the subject, allows us to develop individual abilities of each student, fosters cognitive activity. The value of a didactic game is not determined by what kind of reaction it causes on the part of children, and the effectiveness in solving a particular problem in relation to each student ..