ngInt (zn2, - 1);:=multzr (zn2, inttozr (16));:=SubZR (zn1, zn2); zrtoint (zn2) of
: str:= A + str;
: str:= B + str;
: str:= C + str;
: str:= D + str;
: str:= E + str;
: str:= F + str; str:=zrtostr (zn2) + str;//str:=floattostr (trunc (x) mod 16) + str ;;:=divzr (zn1, inttozr ( 16));:=ZRToLongInt (zn1, - 1); ;;;:=str ;; TForm1.FormCreate (Sender: TObject);:=false;:=false;:=10;:=false;:=0;.Caption:=laquo;raquo;;.Text:=laquo;0raquo;;_check:=True; :=0; i:=1 to 1 000 do [i]:= | raquo ;; [i]:= 0 raquo ;;;. Alignment:=taRightJustify; .MaxLength:=32; .WantReturns:=false ; .WordWrap:=false;.Enabled:=false;.Enabled:=false;.Enabled:=false;.Enabled:=false;.Enabled:=false;;TForm1.Memo1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); (Memo1); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;; key of
0 .. 9 raquo ;:;
a .. z raquo ;: chr (0);
# 8: beginmemo1.Text= then memo1.Text:= 0 raquo ;; _ check:=true ;;
, raquo ;: begini:=length (memo1.Text) downto 1 dopos (memo1.Text [i], , )=1 then key:=chr (0) ;; key:= chr (0) ;; _ check:=false ;; } TForm1.SpeedButton17Click (Sender: TObject); meraisch=10 then begin (memo1.Text= 0 ) or (memo1.Text= ) then begin memo1.Text:= 0, raquo ;; end:=0; i:=length (memo1.Text) downto 1 dopos (memo1.Text [i], , )=1 then j:=j + 1; (j=0) then memo1.Text :=memo1.Text + , raquo ;;; _ check:=false ;;
{if (memo1.Text= 0 ) or (memo1.Text= ) then begin memo1.Text:= 0, raquo ;; end; _check:=false; }; TForm1.SpeedButton5Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 6 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton1Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 7 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton2Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 8 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton3Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 9 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton11Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 4 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton12Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 5 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton13Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 1 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton14Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 2 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton15Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 3 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton23Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + 0 raquo ;;
glob_check:=false; meraisch=10 then (strtofloat (memo1.Text)=0) then.Text:= 0 raquo ;; _ check:=true ;;;; TForm1.SpeedButton56Click (Sender: TObject) ;: =false;:=0; .Caption:= raquo ;;. Text:= 0 raquo ;; _ check:=True; :=false;:=0; i:=1 to +1000 do [i]:= | raquo ;; [i]:= 0 raquo ;;;; TForm1.SpeedButton4Click (Sender: TObject); meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 16);
end;:=t + 1; [t]:=memo1.Text; [t]:=/ raquo ;; (((b [2] lt; gt; 0 ) and (( b [1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [1] lt; gt; - )) and ((b [t - 1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [t - 1] lt; gt; - ))) and (skob=false)) then.Text:=rezul (t - 1); _ check:=true; meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 16);
end ;; TForm1.SpeedButton6Click (Sender: TObject); meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 16);
end;:=t + 1; [t]:=memo1.Text; [t]:= * raquo ;; (((b [2] lt; gt; 0 ) and (( b [1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [1] lt; gt; - )) and ((b [t - 1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [t - 1] lt; gt; - ))) and (skob=false)) then.Text:=rezul (t - 1); _ check:=true; meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 16);
end ;; TForm1.SpeedButton16Click (Sender: TObject); meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, ...