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Реферат Phonetic peculiarities of the popular science text


people are able to get information easily and, in fact, the mass media, especially the internet, are directly involved into it. Generally there are two means of transferring the information: audio means and visual means. Modern technologies allow us to combine these two means in a video format. However, up till now, the written text has been the main foundation for linguistic research. One of the latest trends is the corpus linguistics which uses statistical methods in the computer analysis of huge massives of texts. The methods of corpus linguistics are widely used in the different spheres and their opportunities of being the object of investigation can draw the attention of the researchers to the problem of the texts classification. There exist several approaches to taxonomy of texts. This paper concerns phonetic peculiarities of the popular science text which belongs to the style of prepared speech, as suggested by phonostylistics. , The object of the research is popular science text in a form of a popular science TV broadcast.aim of this paper is to study the science popular text in order to find its peculiarities which make it different from other variants of phonetic styles. paper consists of an introduction, two chapters (theoretical and practical parts), conclusion and bibliography list.


.1 Modern sources of distributing information. The Internet

are living in a post-industrial era, when the most valuable thing is information. A mere decade ago TV, radio and periodicals dominated the mass-media and the library was the main source of academic knowledge for students. Nowadays the situation has changed. The development of computer technologies has made PC an affordable device which established a digital era. Scholars even say that modern people tend to remember not the information itself but the key words needed to find it in the web. Traditional books gradually give way to e-books and scans and digitalised versions of various formats which are widely avaliable at hundreds of sites across the web. There are internet-radio, internet-TV and online magazines and newspapers. The internet offers its users almost any kind of information on the wide range of subjects, from politics to astrophysics or handycrafts. The services like Google and Amazon provide their users with perfect opportunities - the ones making the internet so popular and invincible: flexible and intelligent search engines which significantly simplify the process, documents hosting and sharing, online shopping, social network, mail, online dictionaries etc . As now the access to the web became much more cheap and easy, it has become the dominating channel of information distribution. In brief, the internet is handy, informative, easy-to-use and a respectful enough sour...

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